Happy & Sad Facts about Luca August Marquez

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Hiya Everyone, So You all are probably wondering about Luca even more, So Here are 3 Happy/Sad Facts about Baby Luca, So If You love Luca than Please Vote and If You did than Thank You, Anyways Love You all and Let's get started, Shall We?

3 Happy Facts about Luca:


1 year old Baby Luca who knows Sign language at Her age and Really cool that A Baby knows Sign Language at Her age. She's a really nice Baby and She loves Her new Family and Also Loves to Cuddle and Her Favorite animal is a Snow Leopard and Sometimes like to pretend to be like one.


Luca LOVES Winnie The Pooh, Which makes it so cute because She really loves to watch Him. One Time, She dressed Up like Winnie The Pooh on Halloween and Always Remembered that memory ever since that Day. Luca has a Stuffed Toy of Winnie The Pooh and She really likes to cuddle Him all The Time, The Stuffed Toy was a gift from Her Adopted Parents and Her Adopted Siblings and She holds onto it all the time and Never lose it out of Sight.


There's no secret that Luca LOVES Her new Family and Will always will. Luca wants to be an animal Rescuer just like Her Parents and Siblings, Luca use all of other Senses to let Others know How She feel without talking or making a sound. Sometimes Luca will sneak pass Her Parents and go outside without anyone knowing, So This is one of reasons Why Her Adopted Parents and Siblings like to call Her "Mousie" because She was quiet as a Mouse. Luca also really like Mickey Mouse but doesn't really watch Him alot. Luca loves going outside and having so much with Her new Family. Luca love watching Her new Parents helping Animals, Luca love watching Her Older Sister "Alicia" being a Whiz and She's really proud of Her older sister of being really smart and being a great singer. Luca LOVES Her Brother "Diego" to death and Looks Up to Him alot, She loves watching Her Brother going to the animals who need to be Rescued and She loves Her brother singing and also Really Loves to play with Him and going everywhere with Him. Also Diego is Luca's Favorite Sibling in personal.

3 Sad Facts about Luca.


It's already sad enough that Luca lost Her Father after She was born and She was abandoned by Her Mother and Do You guys think that was horrible, It gets even worse of Her Backstory. This poor little Baby's Mother "Camellia" decided to drink one night and Actually abuse Her own 1 year old Daughter. Luca remembers getting abuse and She was hiding it ever since that day but Later forgets it for good when Diego's Family adopted Baby Luca.


Let's talk about Luca's Father "Dante" because Dante is a great Guy because He wanted to travel but The only thing that He wanted the most, He wanted a Daughter and When He finally got a Daughter, He sadly died but was Unknown and No one know who He died. Luca doesn't even know what Her Father looks like and It's really sad to not know who Her Father was and Luca took it hard. All She had was from Her Father was His Traveling Hat, Where She secretly keep which Her adopted Parents let Luca keep.


We all know if You have a muted Child than It must be a really hard time to go through, Especially The Child Him/Herself. Luca who a Baby might be muted Herself for The rest of Her life but Here comes more of This. Luca literally almost died from birth but The Doctors and Nurses quickly got Her back to life and Thankfully, She's 100% Okay! Luca is one of The special Kids that I ever created in My life and She's honestly really important to Me. Luca never met other Babies except for The Twins (Guillermo and Isabella), So She was never around Babies at Her age except The Twins. In The story of "Being Angry in Silent" It was shown that Luca literally blamed Herself that Her own Biological Mother abandoned Luca at The age of 4. It's really heartbreaking to hear that a Child, At The age of 4 who blamed Themselves something that They didn't do.

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