Chaper 12

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Sauske took a step closer causing the blond to try to back away but it was no use his back was against the wall. Narutos stomach started to knot up as Sauske took another step forward trapping the blond between him and the wall Sauske looked down smirking at the blond. "So when are you going to give this up and come back to me" he said with a sinter look. Naruto couldn't speak it was like his throat had closed. "Your going to came back eventually so why drag it out." Suske said in a cocky tone "don't do this the hard way." Naruto swore this sounded like a threat.

Naruto took a breath trying his best to be brave, "could you leave, Granny Tsunade is coming over and we had some classified stuff to discuss." Naruto said firmly.

There you go kit now he will think your expecting someone.

Sauskes eyes narrowed debating on if what the blond was saying was true. Deciding on not pushing his luck the raven haired boy turned to leave and called over his shoulder, "I'll see you later then, soon I hope." And with that's the raven haired boy was gone.

Naruto fell to the ground shaking all over, he felt sick to his stomach. That was way to nerve-racking for the blonde. What was he going to do? What would he have done if he didn't think granny was coming over? What the hell did he mean by the way he said see you later!? Kiba burts though the door and without hesitation he scooped the blond up in his arms. "Kiba" Naruto sniffled, before full on sobbing into the brunettes arms. After about 15 mins he felt a little better "I th-thought you ha-had a mission" Naruto sniffled.

"It just felt so wrong so I told the others to go on with out me." Kiba said petting the blonds head. "And I'm glad I did, I swear if he touched one hair in your head I'll kill him!"
Naruto explained what happened and he felt a little silly until Kiba agreed that it could have been very dangerous. He praised the blond for his quick thinking.

"I'll take care of the boys you just go lay down for a bit ok?" Kiba said gently as he carried the blond to there room.

Naruto was still upset, why was it always like this he was so helpless on his own. He couldn't do anything without Kiba stepping in and saving him.


Naruto relayed the information Kurama was giving him to Tsunade about the pregnancy. She decided it was best pull Naruto off of all missions immediately. Naruto and her decided it was best to inform a few of his classmates what was going on. As he was supposed to go on a mission with Sakura Chogi Kiba Shikamaru and Sai and the blond trusted them, so she summoned them to her office.

"So I've called you all hear for an important and top secret announcement." Tsunade said looking at Naruto who looked a bit nervous but gave her a nod. Sakura and Shikamaru noticed the exchange and glanced at each other. Sai looked board and Chogi was to busy eating. Kiba was drinking out of his water bottle trying to rehydrate after training. "Naruto will no longer going on missions for a while." She said calmly.

"What. Why my lady?" Sakura asked looking between Naruto and Tsunade.

"Naruto is pregnant." Tsunade said clearly.

Kiba almost choked on his water hacking and coughing. "The hell do you mean? He's a fucking guy in case you were confused!" Kiba said now looking between the hokage and the blond boy.

Tsunade smiled softly "he's a jinchuriki he is capable of more then normal humans."

Sakuras eyes widened "may I help you though out the pregnancy my lady!" She was intrigued. Tsunade looked at Naruto who gave a nod with a smile. Sakura squealed in delight.

"So you really don't have balls" Sai said causing the blond to yell.

"Ok ok now if you have questions ask Naruto yourself. Sakura we can go ahead and work on a treatment plan for Naruto." Tsunade said.

Choji and Shikamaru were deep in conversation as they left wrapping there heads around the information. Sai left after Sakura interrupted his and Narutos argument. Kiba was about to leave when his eyes locked with Narutos. They were so broken so sad. "Oi Naruto, come on I'll walk you home, you look beat." Kiba said gently as he walked over to the blond.

Naruto forced a smile, "mm thanks Kiba."

The two walked a few blocks before Kiba broke the silence. "So ah if your the 'mom' then who's the dad?" The brunette said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Naruto stopped and swallowed hard he looked around before looking at Kiba then the ground, "Sauske" he said quietly.

"Oh. Shit sorry, I, umm sorry." Kiba mumbled out. "So that's why you got so messed up about him leaving hu? You were together?"

"Umm kind of, I guess he was mostly just using me. I was just to dumb to realize it." Naruto said trying to smile and joke.

"Ok your not going home your going to beat the  shit of something." Kiba said grabbing Narutos hand and dragging him off to a training ground.

Naruto looked at Kiba perplexed, Kiba smirked. "Hit me."

"What?" Naruto was more confused then normal. "Why"

"Hit me." Kiba said again

"What no!" Naruto protested

"HIT ME!" Kiba yelled. Naruto punched, not hard but not soft. "Agin!" Kiba yelled and the blond did. "Harder!" Kiba demanded. And he did a little harder. "Again and harder Damn it what are you a wimp."  Naruto glared and started to punch over and over, soon as hard as he could hit. He was punching and kicking then he started yelling as tears rolled down his cheek until he was sobbing still throwing punches into Kibas chest they were less focused and just a rush now. Kiba wrapped the blond in a hug and let him cry into his chest as he pat his head. "There there it's ok now just let it out." Narutos legs buckled and the two were on the ground the blond still safe in Kibas arms.

After about an hour of just setting Naruto finally pulled away. " thank you Kiba I needed that" the blond said.

"Well aside from the crying let's make it a regular thing then hu? We can train to keep you mind of shit." Kiba said, it was to weird to see the blond in such a funk.

Naruto smiled softly "that would be nice."

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ