chapter 2 change

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Six years after Sauske left for Orochimarus  he had found out the truth from Itachi and returned to the village. With Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo lady Tsunade had agreed to allow Suske to came back into the village after hearing his story and what Itachi had told him. Warning Sasuke that she would be keeping an eye on him and his friends.

Three days later Sasuke and his team were summoned to the hokages office for his daily check in "Actually there's a delivery mission coming up if you wouldn't mind going along for backup with your team of course." Tsunade said

"Ya sure when is -." Sauske said but was cut off by the doors the hokages office flying open.

A short girl with long blond hair pulled up into a high ponytail walked into the office. Wearing short shorts long boots and a crop top. "Granny Tsunade the boys want to know if they can come on the mission they miss Garra." The blond spoke.

Granny Tsunade there was only one person in the whole world that what I call her that  sauke though. That was no girl that was Naruto! Who was quickly followed buy Kiba and Sakura.

"Naruto! It's Ladie Tsunade!" The pink-haired girl yelled at him. "Apologies my lady." Sakura said bowing to lady Tsunade.

"Sakura it's fine you think I'd be used to it by now." The older woman laughed. "Yes Naruto, Hi and Yoru may go along with you it shouldn't be dangerous."

Naruto squealed in the delight running out of the hokages office swing his hips as he went, leaving a confused Sasuke and a drooling Suigetsu. " Hey Sasuke who's the babe she's hot." Suigetsu said lightly elbowing Sasuke in the ribs.

Kiba a burst out laughing. "Hey Sauske might wanna tell your buddy Narutos a boy."

"What your kidding!" Suigetsu said looking at Sasuke for confirmation. Sasuke just nodded quietly looking like he was already annoyed with the level of noise. He was honestly very surprised with Naruto's appearance, he looked; beautiful.

Sakura giggled. "He sure looks different doesn't he" she said directing her question at Sasuke.

"He does" Sasuke replied turning to the girl. Apparently Sasuke was giving Sakura just a little too much attention for Karin's liking so she wrapped her arms around his arm. Sasuke just ignored her waiting for Sakura's response.

"Ya he got in shape a while ago, it really does suit him though." Sasuke just nodded in response.

After waiting just a while longer Naruto walked back in with Sai and two little boys tugging at his arm. "Mamma we going to see uncle Gaara!" One of the boys cheered.

"We sure are Yoru ganny said you could go." Naruto chuckled. As soon as the boys spotted Akamaru standing next to Kiba they squealed and delight running up to the giant dog. Akamaru laid down so that the two boys could climb on his back. Naruto and Kiba a smile at each other amused by the boys.

"Who's bring the brats." Karin said eyeing the kids.

"There my kids" Naruto said in an angry tone.

"That one called you mamma? But Sauske said you were a boy." suigetsu said pointing in the general direction of both boys forgetting which one had spoke.

"I am a boy! Obviously" Naruto said rolling his eyes and placing a hand on his hip. "I'm also a jinchuriki host so I can get pregnant myself, believe me it was definitely a shock." He said with a chuckle looking at the two boys. Suigetsu raised a questioning eyebrow but didn't say anything else.

"Well now that you're all here the original mission was to have Narutos team deliver a message to the Kazekage, Garra. but I'm going to send Sasuke's team along for backup it'll be a good warm-up mission." Tsunade said "I'm putting Sakura in charge of this mission as my student I trust her explicitly to keep you all under control."

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant