Chapter 15

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"Have a seat babe ill make you a rice omelet too" Kiba said smiling at the now blushing blond.

About half way though breakfast the blond was in panic mode agin. After the boys finished Naruto sent them to play. "Kiba we can't do this. I can't just be impulsive and reckless and do what ever I want without thinking this though. I have kids I can't just be a play thing or someone for you to fuck when your bored or horny." Naruto said looking at his hands folded on the table not once did he look up. The blonde had a habit of wearing his heart on his sleeve and he had already fallen in love with Kiba. Long before last night Kiba had been his rock the person to help him though things. A tear rolled down the blonde face he was scared of losing the one person he needed most, but he was also scared of being used once again and he couldn't let his kids be collator damage.

Kiba smiled softly taking Narutos chin in between his index finger and thumb. Forcing the blond to look up at him, Kiba kissed him. Naruto wanted to fight it but melted instantly into the kiss it was intoxicating. Kiba pulled away and placed his hand on Narutos cheek and the other on the blonds hands. "Naruto don't cry. I don't want to hurt you. I love you and I have for a while now. It's been hell holding back, but I was afraid to rush you or that you would freak out. But I am never letting you go. This isn't some fucking impulse because I was bored or horny. I mean I was but thats only because I'd been watching you in thoughts damn shorts all day! Damnit what I'm saying is I love you ok!"

Naruto looked in silence and shock. Then the tears started rolling down his face. Kiba was very nervous cussing himself out inside his head. His thoughts were interrupted by the blond pulling him into a kiss. It was soft and passionate but quickly turned into lust and hunger. As Kiba slid his tongue into Narutos hot mouth making the blond quiver as he let out a small moan. They pulled away for air after several minutes and Naruto rested his forehand on Kibas. "I love you too. So much" Naruto said.

Yoru made a gagging noise from the door. "Eeew mamma your gunna get cooties." Naruto blushed, so much for waiting to tell the kids. At least Naruto didn't have to worry about them liking Kiba they adored both him and Akamaru.

————-End flash back————-

Naruto woke to a quiet house but he could hear some softer mutters coming from the kitchen. He peaked out. "Kiba?"

Kiba and Shikamrus heads snapped up to look at the blond. Poor Shikamaru had spent at least an hour calming Kiba down after Naruto had gone to bed and was still there trying to help with the situation. Kiba was pissed. He had worked so hard to pull the blond out of that dark place and Sauske wasn't even back that long and he was already messing with him.

Kiba stood up and walked over to the blond kissed him gently, then taking his had he led him back to the table and sat down pulling Naruto into his lap. Naruto instantly blushed. Public displays of affection were not exactly something he was very comfortable with. Kiba wrapped his arms around Narutos waist and rested his chin on Narutos shoulder. "Mm Kiba" the blond whined. He didn't want Kiba to stop he was just embarrassed.

Shikamaru chuckled, "jeez I wish Tamari was that easy. If I pulled that shit she would punch me." Tamari was also not a fan of public affection, but she got a bit more violent then the boy.

Kiba let out a breath. "So what are we going to do if I can't beat the fuck out of him!?"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "got it, we are going to talk about it in front of him. Also I already told you if you tried to take Sauske on he would definitely win." Narutos breath hitched a little at the mention of Sauskes name.

Kiba growled a little unhappy with Shikamaru's persistence that Sasuke would win. "Well then what are we going to do! Your the smart one give me something."

"Kiba, he didn't actually do anything we really can't anything." Shikamaru said trying to be as reasonable as possible.

Kiba growled but before he could say anything Naruto spoke up " he really is right, he didn't actually do anything." Naruto mumbled looking downward to avoid eye contact.

Kiba slammed his fist on the table "then what the fuck are we supposed to do wait till he hurts you! Do you really think he's going to take no for an answer if he thinks he can get away with it! I FUCKING DONT!" Kiba was furious, he felt so helpless and he couldn't stand to watch Naruto get hurt.

Tears started to roll down the blonde face, he didn't know what to do. There was nothing he could do he felt so helpless.

Shikamaru grimaced at the sight. This was definitely fucked up but he couldn't think of anything that would help. What good was it being as smart as he was if he couldn't figure out a solution.

"Shit Babe! no I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. I'm not mad at you ok. I'm mad at the situation and damn pissed at Sauske." Kiba immediately started to try and comforting the blond when he realized Naruto had started to cry. Kiba was so sick of seeing the blonde so upset things have been so good for so long but he forgotten how horrible it and felt to watch Naruto crumble. The brunette just sat there holding Naruto in his arms. That's all he really could do for now, was comfort him.

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now