chapter 1 heart break

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Naruto and Sasuke have been secretly seeing each other for 3 months. but Sasuke was deeply troubled by the fact that he was the last remaining Uchiha. To him this meant he had a duty to keep his clan alive to do that he would need to have kids of his own. He cared for the knuckleheaded little blond so much maybe even loved him but he felt like he needed to remain loyal to his now deceased clan. He had decided to take orochimaru up on his offer and
leave the village it hurt but not as much as seeing Naruto crying. It was an act of mercy or maybe he was just being selfish but he was going to make Naruto hate him before he left. That was the only way he thought he would be able to leave, he put on a cocky smile.  "Are you that stupid I was just using you for your body." Sauske said in a dark voice. "I never truly cared for you!" Please just believe this it will be much easier for me to leave if you hate me Sauske  thought to himself.

"Sauske why are you doing this! Don't leave me!" Naruto cried tears running down his face.

"You have served your purpose I have no need for you anymore. What Lord Orochimaru is offering is power a chance to get revenge for my fallen clan." Sauske said glaring at the blond. With that he was gone leaving Naruto alone in the empty streets.


Sauske had been gone almost a month now Naruto not seeming to get better. Infact lady Tsunade had thought he was getting much worse. It seemed as though the blond was so depressed he had made him physically sick throwing up on a regular basis. "Nauto you need a check up this isn't healthy." Tsunade said putting her foot down.

The blond just nodded not wanting to argue with her his upset stomach was a definitely not up for a fight. The lady hokage check the boy combing every inch of him using her medical ninjutsu. She hand swept over Naruto's lower abdomen. something was off she checked the area again with I'm more focused chakra burst taking in a deep gasp. "Whats up grandma Tsunade you look kinda pale yourself." Naruto sad noticing the color drain from the older woman's face.

"Wait here!" Tsunade commanded running over to the bookshelf digging through piles of medical books after about 20 minutes paging through she gasped again "it is possible" she went back to the confused boy using her medical ninjutsu to examine his lower abdomen once again. the blond boy remained quiet with a confused look on his face. "Naruto" Tsunade said in a calm voice. "Your pregnant."

Narutos eyes about popped out of his head "that's not even possible I'm a guy! Believe it!" He yelled.

"Your a jinchuriki, and as a jinchuriki host it is possible" the hokage informed him opening the book she had been reading and handing it to him.

Naruto skimmed a few words before internally asked Kurama to confirm the information. He was having a hard time believing it.

Mmm looks like she is right kit. You definitely have babies growing in here.

"Babies! As in multiple!" Naruto screamed. He had meant to ask Kurama but it ended up coming out, out loud as well.

"What? There's more then one how can you tell your only about a month along."

Yes there are two boys kit.

"Well Kurama says there are two. He says they are boys." Naruto said placing a hand over his stomach and taking a seat on the floor. This was alot to take it.

"Wow amazing that he can tell! I'm going to want to keep an eye on you and run some tests as well." The older woman said her eyes lighting up.

Kit you'd better let her know that this is not going to be a normal pregnancy. Fox's bear children after about 60 days. So you will give birth in less then 3 months.

"What! Damn it grandma Tsunade, Kurama said it's gunna be short then normal. Three months." Naruto breathed out just barely loud enough for lady Tsunade to here.

"You kidding that's not nearly enough time for a human baby!"

Not to worry kit my chakra will speed the grouth. They will be small but they will be healthy.

Naruto relayed the information Kurama was giving him to Tsunade. She decided it was best pull Naruto off of all missions immediately. Informing a few of his classmates what was going on. As he was supposed to go on a mission with Sakura Chogi Ino Lee Kiba Shikamaru and Sai.

After a few months Naruto gave birth to two dark-haired twin boys. His friends were extremely supportive and the girls were in love with the boys as soon as they came into the world. They were named Hi and Yoru, meaning Day and Night. Hi was a little smaller and had light blue eyes and Yoru was just a bit bigger with dark brown eyes and obviously the stronger of the two, already more active. They were both perfect to Naruto he was going to protect his kids no matter what.

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Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now