Chapter 17

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Kiba sat there listing to Shikamaru fill the other two in. The last time he was here was when Naruto had the twins. Damn that was probably just as scary.


Kiba had been waiting at the training grounds for his daily run with Naruto. It was unlike the blond to be late and Kiba was starting to worry. The brunette decided to see if the ramen shop had seen him but with no luck. Kiba started to look all over for the knuckle head. After a few hours he ended up at Narutos place.

Kiba knocked on the door. "Oi Naruto you in there." He yelled in. No answer he was about to leave when he smelled something off. He walked in feeling a little off for barging in. He turned a corner to see Naruto on the floor and rushed over. "Naruto wake up!!" He said gently shaking the blond.

"Mmm. Waa-. Ooooww" the blond clutched his stomach as a sharp pain shot though him. He was white as a ghost.

Kiba instinctively reached a hand to Naruto the blond used his strength to speak. "Kiba you have to get them out! something is wrong."

Kiba was definitely confused, what was Naruto taking about. He looked at the blond and suddenly realized the baby's!!

"Akamaru get Sakura now!" Kiba yelled and off the dog went. "Naruto I don't know what I'm doing help me out here." Kiba pleaded with the blond.

"Help me to the bed." Naruto squeaked out. Kiba picked the small blond up bridal style and carried him to the bed. The brunettes expansion changed form worried to terrified when the blond grabbed a kuni off the bed side stand.

"What the hell are you doing!" Kiba yelled. Naruto put the kuni into the brunettes hands. "NO! No I can't do this I have no idea what I'm doing!" He protested.

"Kiba please." The blond choked out. He was in so much pain from the contractions he could barely breath let alone speak. He body was trying to push the baby's out with no natural way to get them out. Naruto looked up at Kiba tears welling up in his eyes.

Kiba swallowed hard and took a breath. "Ok. This is going to hurt like hell, ok?" He said looking Naruto in the eye. Naruto nodded in response and Kiba brought the kuni to Narutos stomach looking to the blond for any help as to how he should do this. Naruto guided his hand to the bottom of his stomach and gave a nod before closing his eyes tightly in anticipation of the pain.

Kiba took a breath and pushed the kuni into the blond. Narutos knuckles were white from how tight he clenched his fists and no matter how hard he tired to hold back the scream still escaped his lips. Kiba tried hard to focus on the incision. Causing Naruto any sort of pain made the brunette sick to his stomach.

Kibas shaking hand set down the kuni and he looked up at Naruto. The blond was pale as a ghost but doing all he could to remain conscious. "Kiba, now just reach in and pull them out. You'll have to cut the umbilical cords too ok." Naruto said sounding like he could pass out at any moment.

Kiba pushed his had into the blonds stomach pulling out the first baby. The baby started to cry immediately. Well that's a good sign, Kiba though as he cut the umbilical cord. It was rubbery and didn't cut easily; and not at all like what he had thought. He set the baby on the bed with Naruto and the blond gave a week smile. Kiba reached his hand in again pulling out he second. This one didn't cry and the cord had looped around his neck pretty tight. Kiba looked at Naruto starting to panic but the blond was unconscious.

"Shit shit what that fuck am I supposed to do!" He started to panic. He cut the cord around the baby's neck and slid to the ground. Kiba  bounced the baby a few times and after a few minutes the baby started to cry. Sakura came running though the door 20 minutes later. The brunette was on the floor leaning against the bed and Yoru was on the bed with Naruto.  Kibas head snapped up from looking at Naruto Hi still in his hands. He looked at the pink haired girl. "Don't let him die." He said desperately tears rolling down his cheek.

"Tell me what happened here!" She said as calm as she could going over to Naruto she pulled out her medical bag and went work on him.

"He told me I needed to get the baby's out. Then he handed me a kuni, He said something was wrong." Kiba said still crying "I didn't know what to do. Did i kill him." He asked obviously scared out of his mind.

Sakura let out a breath, "no, actually it looks like you saved him. He couldn't take going onto labor because his body isn't made for it. How are the baby's?"

Kiba let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "That one is fine seems normal. But this one didn't want to cry at first " Kiba said offering the baby to Sakura.

Sakura took the baby looking him over realizing it wasn't getting enough oxygen and there were marks around his neck. "Kiba if you had waited any longer I don't know if this one would have made it. How tight was the umbilical cord around his neck?"

"It was wrapped around pretty good." Kiba said taking in the information Sakura had given him; The baby was ok and Naruto, Naruto was ok he started to cry again. He couldn't believe how relived he was. The thought of loosing the blond was unbearable. Holly shit he was in love! When did that even happen. Kiba couldnt even remember when he started likening guys but he knew that he was without a doubt in love with the boy in front of him.

"Well let's get them to the hospital shall we." The pink haired girl said taking the other baby so she had one in each arm. "I'll leave him to you, just go easy so you don't reopen that incision I just closed." She said with a smile.

Kiba got up still very shaky and he walked over to the blond picking him up bridal style and following the pink haired girl to the hospital.
Kiba sat in the waiting-room for hours before he was finally allowed back.

"You did a remarkable job Kiba" Tsunade said as she welcomed the boy back into the blonds room. "Your quick actions saved Hi for sure and probably Naruto too."

Kiba just looked at her with a bit of shock. "I only did what Naruto told me to do." He said scratching the back of his neck. Kiba sat down and there he stayed for the rest of the night. He decided then that he would check in every day.


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