Chapter 20

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Naruto stretched is arms above his head happy to finally be walking out of the hospital. Kiba walked beside him and chuckled at the small blond. "Ready to be home?" Kiba asked of course he knew the answer. Naruto missed his home and his bed but most of all the twins. It was hard for him to be away for the boys.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Sakura and Granny are great but I hate the hospital."

"Well I have a great idea. Stop needing to go!!" Kiba said half joking. It was hard to see the normally strong and stubborn blond in such a horrible condition. He felt so helpless when Naruto was in the hospital fighting for his life knowing he could do nothing the help.

"Ya I'll get right on that." Naruto said rolling his eyes. The two walked home happy to be in the others company. Walking by different shops as they headed for home. Suddenly Naruto stopped dead in his tracks he looks gosht white and Kiba froze.

"Naruto-Chan what's wrong." Kiba asked concerned. Naruto had just gotten out of a life or death hospital stay and so many fears flashed though the brunettes mind.

They say the sense of smell is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. Those with full olfactory function may be able to think of smells that evoke particular memories. At that moment Naruto caught a strong smell of perfume. Karin's perfume.

"Kiba!! We- we need to go to Fanny Tsunades right now!" Naruto said a little bit of panic in his voice. The poor brunette didn't have the slightest clue what was going on but agreed and the two quickly headed for the hokagaes office. Naruto burst though the door first kiba on his heels. "Granny I know who did it!"

Kiba didn't know what was going on but instantly figured out what Naruto was talking about. "Who!" He and Lady Tsunade asked in unison.

"I didn't see her face because she attacked from behind but it was Karin! I remember hearing her talked as she kicked the shit out of me. I must have regained consciousness during the attack but I was to week to open my eyes but she was furious that I have kids with Suske so she attacked me so I wouldn't get in her way of getting to him." Naruto explained everything in a rush he was shaking. I'll send Shikaru right away we checked several peoples alibi and she had none."

Kiba wrapped his arms around Naruto "shh shh it's ok now she will never touch you again your safe the boys are safe it's ok. Naruto nodded into Kibas chest not trusting himself to talk steady. "Lady Tsunade I'm going to get him home I think he needs some rest."

The blond woman agreed sending the two on there way. Kiba was obviously relieved that they had caught who had hurt Naruto but part of him still thought Sasuke it was behind it. Maybe that was just his deep hatred for the raven haired boy maybe he just wanted to get him out of Naruto's life whether that was selfish or selfless because of everything the raven haired boy head done to the blonde that he loved so much.

Iruka Drop the twins off shortly after Kiba and Naruto had made it home Kiba cooked dinner as usual and Naruto tried his best to act like nothing was wrong so the twins wouldn't get worried. It was harder then normal and Naruto was sure at least Hi had noticed but neither twin said anything so Naruto kept his mouth shut as well.

Naruto sat on the couch staring off into space Kiba had just talked to the kitchen to bed. "Hey are you going to be ok?" Kiba asked it wasn't like the blond to dwell on things so when he did it worried the brunette.

" What if the next times Sasuke's crazed fans goes after the twins. He was always popular and girls were always doing anything they could to get his attention." Naruto said in a shaky voice tears threatening to escape his eyes.

Kibas face scrunched into one of pain. This is what his little blond had been thinking about in silence all this time. He's not wrong but I can't tell him that. Of course the knuckle head wasn't worried about himself he never did.

"Naruto I promised to always protect you and the boys. Nothing with happen to them. I will never allow it." Kiba said taking Narutos hand reassuring the blond

I know I know I'm soooooo sorry guys😭😭 it's been a long time I'm finally working though everything with my divorce and it's been a process.

Please tell me what you think so far. Any thoughts on what you would like to see in up coming chapters let me know 😁😁 you guys are amazing ❤️❤️

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now