Chapter 8 Memories

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Kiba woke up to the blond curled up against his chest like a child. The blond was out cold sleeping like a baby. Kiba chuckled at his cute little Naruto not wanting to get out of bed. That comfort was short lived as two raven haired boys came running into the bedroom and crashing on to the bed. Three years of this craziness and Kiba still wasn't tired of it.he tackled the boys the the bed tickling them until they surrendered.

"Kiba it's to early for this come on." Naruto whined pulling the blanket over his head.

"Naruto-chan it's not even that early" Kiba laughed at the blond who was now all wrapped up in the blankets like a burrito.

Kiba whisper something to Hi and Yoru who started giggling before tackling Naruto and trying to lick his face. "Ahhh Kiba!" The blond yelled knowing his favorite brunette had put the twins up to it.

Kiba throw Naruto over his shoulder bring him into the kitchen with the twins cheering for breakfast. They had rice omelette and miso soup. Naruto Headed into the the ambu for a patrol duty.

Kiba was in charge of the twins today and it was a weekend so that meant no school just training. Kiba liked to help the boy with there taijutsu while improving his own by putting limitations on himself no arms, one leg, Akamaru would help the twins, anything to give them an advantage. Hanging around Lee so long rubbed off on him a bit.

Naruto walked to the hokages office to get his patrol route. He noticed a dark haired man following him and quickly tried to avoid him.

"Naruto what are you doing." Sia said causing the blond to let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry Sai I thought you were Sauske for a minute there." The blond chuckled nervously.

"Naruto if he is the father of your kids that means you once we're lovers correct?" The sociology akward man said like he was mentally talking notes on how couples act after a 'break up'.

"Ya but that was a long time ago." The blond let out a heavy breath. A lot had changed they were so innocent back then.

-------FLASH BACK -----

After returning home from the land of mist. After beating Haku Naruto kept thinking about Sauske. How he saved him and his and Sasuke accidental kissed when they were pushed into each at the academy.

Kakashi gave Sauske and Naruto clean up duty after they they been fighting, again. There sensei was tired of there bickering.

"Hey Sauske I still can't understand why you saved me when that ice ninja, Haku, throw the needles." Naruto finally said out of the blue breaking the silence.

"I told you, I didn't think, my body just moved on its own." The raven said almost annoyed with the subject. Suske paused and looked up and in a quieter tone asked, "Did you really loose it when you thought I was dead? Sakura said you did." Sauske said looking away from the blond.

Naruto blushed a little. "Well ya know my body just moved." The blond said in a sassy tone with a chuckle copying the taller boy. He received a look of irritation from Sauske. "Ya I know it's not funny, all I could think of is that kiss when I thought you were dead." Naruto said covering his mouth instantly. 'Oh crap I wasn't supposed to say that' the blond thought, embarrassment taking over.

Sauske's head snapped up looking at the now flusted Naruto. "Ya it popped into my head too before I saved you." The raven haired boy admitted. He carfully watched the small boys face as he spoke. Naruto's eye lip up a tiny bit and his breathing sped up. This was all the confirmation the dark haired boy needed. He sharingan picked up on every detail.

Sauske grabbed Naruto's wrist and dragged him to the now empty trying grounds. "Sauske what the heck." Naruto whined unsure of what the Uchiha boy was doing, he didn't want to spar he wasn't in the mood to fight Sauske.

"Just shut up" Sauske said pushing the blond against the very same post he was tied to during the bell test. Before the blond could protest anymore Sauske slammed his lips onto Naruto's. The blond froze for a minute suprised with what was happening but quickly returned the kiss wrapping his arms around Sauske's neck. Sauske slid his toung long his bottom lip and was granted entrance right away. By the time they pulled away they were both panting and out of breath a string of saliva connecting there lips that were only centimeters apart.

"I've wanted a do over since we kissed the first time." Sauske said in a husky voice. His hot breath brushing against Naruto's face.

Naruto nodded "ya me too." Was all he could manage to get out before Suaske's lips were on his once again.

The ravin haired boys hands were all over Naruto causing him to become weak in the knees. "Jump" Sauske ordered and with out missing a beat Naruto jump slightly. Sauske caught his thighs and Naruto wrapped his legs around the taller boy.

After a while Sauske put the blond down so they could head home, not that anyone was waiting for either of the two but it was getting late and they didn't want to move to quickly.


Sia nodded deciding that was the best answer he would get from the blond. "Do you have patrol as well Naruto?" Sia asked.

"Ya it's supposed to be a short day for me, and you?" The blond answered thankful for the change is subject due to the unwanted memory's.

"No I work all day, but Ino won't be home anytime soon she's off on a mission with Shikamaru and Chogi." Sai said, Naruto wasn't sure if the the smile he was seeing was real or not.

"Hey what about Inojin?" The blond asked.

"Oh he's with his grandpa Inoichi" the raven haired man said with a sly smile. Naruto shivered at though of leaving the twins with Kiba's mother of sister. Both equally scary they were very rough women.

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now