Chapter 22

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Kiba rolled over Naruto still fast asleep. The brunette got out of bed still groggy and trudged to the kitchen. Shikamaru showed up as Kiba poured his fits cup of coffee. Kiba pulled out another mug and poured his friend a cup as well.

Shikamaru was the first to brake the silence. "Hey Kiba, do you remember the first time you admitted to liking Naruto?" Shikamaru chuckled thinking back.

Kiba smiled. "Admiration might be giving me to much credit. You pretty much just called me out, what was I going to do? Lie? You already knew." Kiba chuckled.

—————-flash back——————

Kiba passed back and forth trying to decide if he should go check in Naruto. The blond had been sick for two days. Naruto was so rarely sick that it was just weird. Iruka had taken Hi and Yoru who were now a year old.
"Hey Kiba why don't you give Naruto's lawn a break and go for a walk with me?" Shikamaru called to the nervous boy. Kiba looked at Shikamaru then back at the house then back at Shikamaru nervously. Shika laughed "Kiba he'll be fine for an hour. Come on." He beckoned.

Kiba sighed. "Akamaru keep an eye on the place will ya?" The dog barked in agreement and Kiba walked over to Skikamaru.

The two walked in silence for a bit before Shika spoke up. "I think I can count on one hand how many time that idiots been sick." He laughed

"Your not wrong." Kiba chuckled "he's oddly resilient."

"Do you remember that time you me Choji and Naruto skipped class at the academy, and Choji fell in that hole." Shika said

Kiba laughed, " Naruto dove in after him without a second thought. He was so banged up by the end of it all. Iruka was so pissed he yelled at us for an hour I swear."

"Naruto even longer" Shika laughed. When Kiba gave him a questioning look he continued. "Well after sansei sent us him to 'have our parents clean us up' I went back. I left my bag and my mom would have kicked my ass. So I tried around to get it and I heard him still scolding Naruto but when I peeked in the class the knucklehead was all tears as Iruka sansei was bandaging his leg up." Shika said "guess as kids we never saw how much he cared about Naruto. He was like the parent he didn't have."

"Hu, your right. He was always there scolding him and looking after him." Kiba agreed.

"Weird how love can be so obvious but we never see it." Shikamaru said with a smirk

Kiba swallowed uneasily. "Yeah. Weird."

Shikamaru stoped and so did Kiab. "So how long have you loved him?"

Kiba choked a little. "What?"

"Kiba? You were passing outside his house." Shikamaru deadpanned. "My best guess is you had to have fallen form him while he was pregnant."

Kiba looked at the ground. "Yeah, I don't know exactly when it kinda just happened but your right had to been somewhere in there. I only figured it out when the twins were borne. Scared the shit out of me and that's when I realized it."

"Any specific reason your trying to keep it a secret? I mean no one else pays enough attention to notice especially Naruto hes so damn oblivious." Shika asked no judgement just genuine curiosity.

"He's got a lot going on everything that happened with Sauske. How do you get over someone without any closure plus the twins and I don't wanna scare him." Kiab said it all in a rush

"Your both oblivious idiots." Shika said rolling his eyes then continuing to walk.

——- end flash back———-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now