chapter 7 Uchiha compound

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"Boys wanna go check out Sau- ahh daddys house?" Naruto said a bit unsure of what to call Sauske. Both twins cheered excited to check out Sauske's house. "We won't be long babe" Naruto said kissing Kiba before following after the twins who had drug Sauske out the door already.

They reached the compound Sauske telling the boys which house was his before releasing the two to explore the compound. Naruto follow Sauske to the house so the could decide witch room the boys would have and what ever else Sauske needed help with. After deciding Sauske's old room was the best option. Naruto wandered around the house impressed with how much Sauske had cleaned the place up. Naruto turned around just in time for to see Sauske pin him to the wall. The raven haired man hand a hand on each side of the blonds head. "Naruto stay here with me. I was a fool for leaving, but don't keep our family apart."

"Sauske I-" Naruto was interrupted by the Yoru calling for him. He pushed Sauske off of him. "Yoru, Hi were in here." The boys quickly found them. "That will be your room when ever you want to stay here." Naruto smiled pointing at the room.

"But there's only one bed" Hi said in a questioning voice.

"Ya that's my fault I thought you might like your own room but Mamma says you like to be together." Sauske piped up.

"We do, Hi can't sleep all by himself he gets lonely!" Yoru said defensively.

"Ya sorry I didn't know but I'll fix it I promise." Sauske reassure the small raven haired boy with a smile.

"Boys maybe we should head back I bet Kiba is making something yummy." Naruto said avoiding eye contact with a

Sauske hugged the boys saying he would see them later and walked over and wrapped his arms around Naruto. "Think about what I said, please Naruto-kun." He whispered in the blonds ear making him blush at the unexpected contact.

Naruto pushed him away, "I don't think I can do what you want Sauske. I'm sorry to much has happened to much that I had to deal with alone." The blond said looking at the floor.

"Naruto-kun I didn't know please I want to make things right. Just thinking about it that's all I'm asking." Sauske said before smiling at the twins. "You did an amazing job by the way, there perfect."

"Ya they are." Naruto smiled, "boys let's get home okay." Naruto said taking the kids hands and leaving. The walk home was quite Naruto was not sure what to think of what Sauske had said but he loved Kiba the brunette was there for him when he needed him. Kiba had been sweet and caring and never once made Naruto afraid he would be left alone. He had once loved Sauske and he was the father of his kids it was alot to take in.

You can't possibly be thinking of going back to him!

'it would make things easier but I don't think I could ever trust him. Besides I love Kiba and I trust him.' Naruto thought

Because he is someone worth trusting! He is good for you Kit don't forget it.

'ya but I am afraid to make Sauske mad what if he tries to take the boys' the blond thought to Kurama

Kit I told you no one is taking them besides a relationship held together by fear is no ok.

Naruto sighed as they reached the apartment. Naruto and the boys walked into a heavenly smell; Hi e enough to feed an army. Yoru passes out at the table wore out from the long day. "Does daddy make you sad?" Hi asked looking at Naruto. This immediately caught Kiba's attention.

"What happened Hi." Kiba questioned

"Mamma doesn't smile when he is around and when daddy hugged him mamma looked upset and pushed him away." Hi said, it was just like the soft sopoken twin to pick up on everything.

"He hugged you!" Kiba said looking at Naruto.

"Hi baby I'm not sad I just only like hugs from you, Yoru and Kiba-Kun." Naruto said smiling at the small child. "But Yoru is asleep and I think you should too." Naruto said scooping the boy up and bring him to his room. Kiba gently picked up the sleeping Yoru bring him to his bed. Once they twins were settled in bed and Kiba and Naruto back in the kitchen Kiba was all over what Hi had said.

"He hugged you? Why, he is an overly affectionate person what's up with that.?" Kiba said keeping his voice calm although he was freaking out on the inside.

Naruto not looking Kiba in the eye started fidgeting with his hands. "Ya. But like Hi said I pushed him off of me I swear!"

"What is he thinking" Kiba said more thinking out loud than anything.

"He said he wants us back, that he messed up." Naruto said still not looking at the now shocked Kiba. Kiba stood there silent for a few minutes before Naruto finally peaked up at him.

"Is that what you want, he was your first choice. Is that why you won't look at me?" Kiba said in a quiet voice he had such a pained expression.

"NO!" Naruto yelled taking one of Kiba's hands "no, I want you. I love you. But I'm scared he will get mad when he realizes he's not going to get his way." Naruto had tears welling up in his eyes.

Kiba breath a a sigh of relief. Wrapping his arms around his blond. "Naruto-chan as long as I'm who you want I'll fight for you. I promise to always protect you, and the twins." Naruto started to cry clinging to Kiba's shirt as the brunette comforted him. When the blond was all cried out Kiba carried him to bed leaving a trail of kisses down his neck and all over his face. After a few minutes Naruto gave in to the mental exhaustion and fell asleep. Kiba placed a hand on Naruto's stomach.

'Is there anything I should know Kurama-sama.'

No I think Naruto cover the important things

'watch over him form me ok. I don't trust that Uchiha bastard.'

Of course even without you saying so I always watch over him

'ya well this whole thing makes me uneasy.'

Kiba wrapped both arms around the blond and snuggled in for the night.

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora