chapter 3 don't touch my kids

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One of the men quickly grabbed Hi. He was aiming for both twins but Yoru got out of the way in just the right amount of time. "Come quietly or the kid gets it." While Naruto was distracted with the first holding his child hostage the second drove a sword though his gut. Kiba tackles the man beating senseless.

While Kiba was preoccupied with the second attacker Naruto pulled the sword out of his gut throwing it to the ground. Karama had started to take control as a red aura surrounded him. In the blink of an eye Naruto was behind the first attacker. "Don't you lay a hand on my child." Kurama and Naruto said simultaneously. Sasuke was about to attack when Yoru appeared taking the now unconscious Hi. Sasuke froze when he saw Yorus eyes. Sharingan. They boy had sharingan. But that would make him an Uchiha. They were his kids!

Kiba was now off the second attacker trying to talk Kurama and Naruto down. Sakura and Sai took care of the first attacker with perfect teamwork.

"Kurama it's ok the boys are safe but if you don't calm down Naruto is going to be in bad shape." Kiba said walking up to the nine tailed fox without a hint of fear.

I'm going to tear him apart Kurama growled eyeing the first attacker.

"Kurama you've got to control yourself your going to hurt him!!" Kiba snapped referring to Naruto. Kurama stopped realizing Kiba was right.

"I'm sorry" Kurama and Naruto said in unison as Naruto reverted back to his normal form collapsing into kiba's arms.

Kiba place his hand on the sealing jutsu. "Thank you, Kurama I know you're mad but trust me to handle it please."

Ya ya you can take it from here kid I trust you.

Kiba smiled now satisfied with Kurama's response. Of course he was the only one that could hear having his hand placed on the sealing jutsu was how he was able to communicate with Kurama.

"Thank you, I don't know what we'd do without you here to talk Kurama down" Sakura said breathing a sigh of relief

"Yes your ability to communicate with animals is quite useful" Sai said with a fake smile.

Sakura noticed Sasuke's eyes going between Naruto and the twins. His once expressionless mask had now my crumbled. "Oi are you guys ok" Sakura called looking toward Sasuke.

"Your going to tell me everything." Sasuke growled the pink-haired girl. She decided not to take it personally and smiled at the confused Uchiha boy.

Sakura walked over to Sasuke pulling him to the side. Of course Karin attempted to follow but Sasuke quickly put an end to that. "Do you want me to start with the boys then?" She asked softly Sauske nodded looking at the two boys both asleep on akamaru. Hi having passed out from the stress of the attack and Yoru exhausted from awakening his sharingan. "While it's pretty obvious at this point who the father is." The girl said looking at Sauske.

"How?" Was all Sasuke said still looking confused.

"Well it's not like I was there but how do you think people get pregnant Sasuke." Sakura said raising an eyebrow. "Naruto won't tell us much but you had to have been together at least once before you left. It had to have been shortly before you left too. And about a month after you had gone is when we found out he was even capable of being pregnant." The pink haired girl pause to let Sasuke take in the information. "As for Kiba's part as a beast tamer when he places his hand on Kurama seal he can communicate with him. I'm not sure why but the Nine-Tails sure does listen to him, which as you can see can come in handy. He isn't the only one to try but none of us can hear Kurama, he can hear us and according to Naruto he doesn't have nice things to say. We think the only reason Kiba can understand him is because he is a beast tamer, his clan has a way with animals."

Sasuke took him the information staring at the pink haired girl in shock. "Alot has changed since I've been gone." He said looking at Naruto and then the boys. "I have kids."

They rejoin the group to Kiba giving Naruto a piggy back and the hole in his gut from the sword was slowly starting to heal.

they decided to make camp for the night a few hours after entering the Forrest Kiba insisting on setting up Naruto's tent so the bond didn't over exert himself with the wounds he had.

"Naruto may I try and speak with Kurama-sama" Jugo asked. His curiosity had been piqued when he had found out that Kiba could communicate with the nine tails as a beast tamer. Jugo was also a beast tamer so he was curious if he could as well.

Naruto looked a bit nervous. "Well you can give it a shot but Kurama is still pretty pissed after that ordeal." The blond said with a nervous chuckle looking at Kiba for some type of support.

Kiba walked over to help Jugo understand how to communicate with Kurama. "Place your hand on his stomach like this." Kiba said lightly placing a hand on Naruto stomach. Causing the blond to blush lightly. Jugo placed a hand next to Kiba's. By now everyone had gathered around to watch. "It helps to focus sometimes if you close your eyes. But you think what you want him to hear, you have to think it loud in coherent thoughts, like you're speaking to someone." Kiba instructed. Not removing his hand.

'Kurama-sama may I ask your a question.' Jugo thought

Who the fuck though it would be a good time for a chit chat the fox growled back
Naruto swallowed hard.

'Kurama was it your chakra that leats this boy heal so fast?' Jugo thought.

Ahhh so you can hear me as well can you. We'll get the fuck off Naruto. Kiba you would be wise to get him out of my face before I say something you and Naruto will both regret.

Both Kiba and Naruto pulled juegos hand off of Naruto stomach in an instant Naruto turing red at what Kurama was saying inside his head.

Jugo looked suprised. "Well all be damn you can hear him too." Kiba said with a laughed nervously.

"I told you he was a bit cranky he gets a bit tired. But your right he does use his chakra to heal me."  Naruto said scratching the back of his neck.

"He seems to have a deep dislike for humans. How did you get him to accept you?" Jugo said looking at Kiba. Both Kiba and Naruto turned a bit red.

Torn Between. Naruto X Kiba - Naruto used to be with Sauske Where stories live. Discover now