Finding Lucas

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Back in New York, the teens are trying to find out where Lucas is.

"He's been gone for a week now. We've given him enough space." says Farkle.

"Yeah I agree. I say we will go to his house and apologize." Zay adds.

"Guys forcing Lucas to listen to us is not a good idea. We're supposed to apologize to him for being terrible friends and this isn't the way to go." Smackle points out.

"And there's no point in showing up at his place because he's not there. I tried calling his house but no one was picking up. And before you say that he probably didn't pick up because of seeing my name let me tell you I used mom's phone. He wouldn't ignore her calls if he was there." Riley says.

"Where could he be if he's not home?" Maya asks.

Smackle replies, "He could probably be at someone else's house. Does he know anyone apart from us in New York?"

Zay shakes his head while Farkle says, "Even if he does, we definitely don't know about it."

They sit in Topanga's in silence. They are now realizing that they don't know anything about Lucas.

They start to feel more guilty for being such terrible friends.


One day after school, Zay gets a call from his grandparents in Texas.

They ask him if they had some sort of vacation going on.

Confused, Zay replies, "Schools were open in New York. I just got home from school."

They sound disappointed and say, "We really miss having you around. We would really like to see you soon. Your last trip to Texas was way too short and you spent most of that time with the Friars and your friends."

Curiosity gets the better of him and Zay asks, "Why did you think I was on vacation?"

They reply, "Lucas had been staying with Joe for the past week. Since Lucas almost never skips school we thought there was some sort of vacation going on. Joe probably called him for some important work."

Zay is shocked to learn that Lucas has been in Texas all this time.

He thanks his grandparents and rushes to inform the others. He sends them all an emergency meeting message telling them to come to Topanga's immediately.

When they all arrive, Farkle then asks, "What's the emergency Zay?"

"Lucas has been in Texas for the past week." Zay says.

"WHAT?!" they all respond with shocked expressions.

Maya then says, "This is not the time for jokes Zay."

Zay replies, slightly offended, "I'm not messing with any of you. I just got a call from my grandparents and they told me that they saw Lucas with Pappy Joe for almost a week now."

The others are shocked to hear that Lucas hadn't just skipped school to avoid them but he went all the way to Texas.

They quickly make plans to go to Texas and apologize to Lucas. They explain everything to their parents and request them to let them go.

The parents are on the fence but then Cory decides to talk to them.

Cory says, "See as much as I don't want them to skip school, I think we need to let them go. They've been a tight group but the last few months there have been some unwanted events which led to this. These kids have realized what they have done wrong and want to correct their mistakes. As a teacher, I'm really happy to see this development. Don't we all want them to learn how to fix their own mistakes?"

The parents, moved by Cory's words, grant their permission to their children to make the trip to Texas.

The gang quickly packs and takes the first flight to Texas, not wanting to waste any more time than necessary.

On the way, they try to come up with a plan to get Lucas to forgive them.

They land in Texas and make their way to Zay's house because they doubt that they would be welcome on the Friar Ranch.

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