Finally Home

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The next morning the gang makes their way to the airport where they are taken directly to the Minkus private jet. They all get settled in. All the couples sit together leaving Zay all by himself.

"Aww man. Now I'm the seventh wheel." Zay says, making everyone laugh.

Lucas simply turns to Riley with a smile and interlocks their fingers. Riley glances down at their hands once before returning her boyfriend's smile.

Maya quickly snaps a few pictures of the new couple.

As the flight gets ready for take off they all get seated and fasten their seatbelts.

All of them are taking a nap until Farkle is woken up by the stewardess telling him that they are about to land.

Everyone but Lucas and Riley wake up to see the sleeping couple.

Riley's head was on Lucas' shoulder while his head on hers. Their hands were still interlocked and they both looked peaceful.

Maya again clicks a few pictures before Josh goes to wake them up.

Riley quickly glances at her watch and removes Lucas' medicine. Lucas silently thanks her and takes his pills.


Once they land, they take their luggage and walk out the airport where they meet their parents.

The parents all hug their own kids and then they all give Lucas a separate hug.

Lucas is overwhelmed by the love but he savours every hug.

They put the luggage in the respective cars when Topanga says, "You're coming with us Lucas. I'm going to make sure you rest properly."

Lucas looks like he's about to protest when she continues, "No arguments from you young man. If you want to pick up some more clothes, then we'll be stopping by your apartment. You're staying at ours until further notice."

"There is no point in trying to argue with Topanga Matthews because you can never win," Lucas says, sounding defeated.

Topanga smirks and replies, "Damn right you won't. I'm not a lawyer for nothing."

So Lucas just sighs and nods.

Cory just pats his back sympathetically.

Riley helps him in their car and they slowly drive away from the airport.


The Matthews take Lucas to his apartment where he just picks up some clothes.

He notices that his parents haven't been back since before he left. He feels dejected and crumples the note he left his mother before throwing it in the bin.

He takes a few moments to compose himself before meeting Topanga at the door.

Topanga takes one look at Lucas and says, "They're not here, are they?"

Lucas looks down, refusing to meet her eyes because he can feel tears starting to form in his eyes.

Topanga pulls him into a hug and pats his back. Lucas tries to stay stoic but eventually he breaks down.

Lucas starts crying under Topanga's motherly touch. The broken boy's cries break her heart and her eyes start to tear up.

"Oh you poor baby" Topanga coos.

Eventually Lucas stops crying and pulls out of the hug and says, "Sorry"

Topanga lifts his head, making him meet her eyes before saying, "Don't ever apologize for letting out your emotions. It's very unhealthy to keep it all inside. From now on I want you to talk about your feelings. You don't have to be strong for us. Cory and I won't ever judge you Lucas. Please don't ever shut everyone out again."

Lucas nods and says, "They haven't been here since before I left. They probably don't even know that I left. The note I left mama wasn't moved. So unless they had a talk with Pappy Joe, they know nothing."

Topanga sighs and leads Lucas outside to their car.

On the way she says, "Lucas you can stay for as long as you want with us. You're having dinner with us everyday. No arguments."

Lucas gives her a grateful smile.


When they reach the car Cory steps out and helps them put their bags in the trunk. Lucas takes his place beside Riley and holds her hand.

Riley notices that Lucas' eyes were red and he looked like he had cried but she doesn't say anything about it. She just knows it had something to do with his absent parents.

Instead she squeezes his hand to let him know that she's there. Lucas shoots her a grateful smile and relaxes beside her.


When they reach the Matthews home, Topanga goes upstairs while Cory helps Riley and Lucas get their luggage.

When they enter their apartment, Topanga says, "Riley take your dad and get the air mattress in your room. Lucas, you will sit here and rest."

Lucas doesn't bother arguing while the father-daughter duo get the arrangements done. Topanga is working in the kitchen when she hears the doorbell.

Lucas calls out, "I'll get it"

The door opens to reveal Auggie with Ava's mother.

On seeing Lucas at the door Auggie screams, "Lucas, you're here."

Auggie hugs Lucas tight while Topanga comes to the door and says, "Thank you so much for watching him."

Ava's mother forces a smile and goes back to her apartment.

Topanga then turns to the boys and smiles at the scene. Auggie was hugging Lucas tightly and Lucas looked very happy.

She couldn't believe how any parent could ignore or even abandon their child let alone a charming young man like Lucas.

Eventually the boys pull apart and Riley comes into the room saying, "Mom we put the air mattress in my room. I also made some place in my closet for Lucas to keep his clothes."

Lucas shoots her a grateful smile.

That's when Riley sees her brother and continues, "Auggie, when did you get here? Nevermind, just give me a hug."

Auggie happily complies and Lucas smiles on seeing the love the two siblings had for each other.

Topanga then announces that dinner is ready so everyone sits down at the table.

While having dinner Topanga says, "Alright so the sleeping arrangements are that Lucas will be on Riley's bed and Riley will be on the air mattress."

Riley nods while Lucas says, "Topanga I'll be fine on the air mattress. I don't want to put Riley out of her own bed."

Topanga shoots a look saying 'Don't argue with me' and replies, "I understand what you're saying but you're injured right now so you get the bed. After I'm sure that you've healed you both can switch, alright?"

Lucas nods finding this arrangement to be the best option he'll get and knowing better than to try and fight a losing battle.

After dinner Cory says, "So Riley since you're back you'll be going to school tomorrow. Lucas, just take one more day off. Since it's Friday tomorrow, you'll be coming back next week."

Riley nods while Lucas tries to protest but Cory cuts him off and continues, "I'm not just asking you to stay home to rest but to also catch up with the class. You can use the weekend to easily catch up. I'll also help you out, okay?"

Lucas nods agreeing with the explanation.

They all go to bed tired from the events of the day.

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