The Unfortunate Accident

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Lucas reaches the bullpen and sees the bull he is supposed to ride, Rango for the first time.

The site of Rango does frighten him a bit but he tries not to let that bother him.

He was still angry because of Farkle and Zay daring to tell him that he shouldn't ride the bull.

Lucas rants to himself, "What gives them the right to tell me what to do? They don't even know about my reasons to ride in the first place. They call themselves my friends and don't even trust me to know what I'm doing. Some friends they are. Stupid Farkle. Stupid Zay. Stupid. Stupid."

He stops his rant when he glances to the other side and notices Riley standing right next to Pappy Joe.

He smiles to himself and is happy to have her support.

He gets ready to get onto the bull.

Rango bucks around a bit but Lucas manages to get on him.

One of the officials asks if he wishes to wear a helmet but he shakes his head.

If he were in the right frame of mind he probably wouldn't have made such a stupid decision.

Unfortunately he still hadn't calmed down completely from the encounter with Farkle and Zay.

He was most definitely not thinking straight.

He gets his grip on the bull and prepares himself mentally for the ride.

He could hear some announcements but didn't listen to them very carefully.

Once he felt ready he nodded to the officials to get started.

The doors were opened and Rango was let out with him on top.

He was keeping his grip firm but did have some problems.

Eventually he found his rhythm. Things were going great for him and he felt pleased with himself.

He finally was gaining control over something in his life after many months.

Things take a turn for the worse for Lucas when he thinks he's hearing the buzzer go off.

Suddenly the bull's bucking goes off-beat making him lose his grip.

Lucas tries to get his grip back but it's too late.

He's tossed up in the air before he falls back down and hits his head.

He hears the worried sounds from the crowd and sees the officials trying to get the bull under control.

His vision is slightly blurry when he thinks he sees Riley running towards him.

He blinks to try and gain some clarity in his vision but it doesn't help.

Eventually everything goes black and he knows no more.


The moment Lucas lands on the ground Riley lets out an audible gasp along with the rest of the crowd.

She turns to see the time and realizes that Lucas has just managed to make another record before falling off.

She just waits for the officials to get the bull until control.

Once the bull is almost back in his pen, Riley jumps into the riding zone and runs straight to Lucas.

She ignores her friends calling out to her and telling her to stop.

The only thing on her mind is to get to Lucas to make sure he's ok.

She notices that he's unconscious and tries to wake him up but he's unresponsive.

She notices the medical staff has arrived and let's them do their job but still refuses to leave Lucas.

The ambulance arrives soon to take the injured boy to the hospital.

Riley goes with him in the ambulance on the insistence of Pappy Joe.


Pappy Joe watches the entire scene from the outside and smiles to himself. He realizes that Riley loves his grandson just as much as Lucas loves her.

He decides to put an end to the entire mess and give Riley the letter as soon as possible. He would have done something immediately if he hadn't been worried about his grandson.

He informs the teens that he was going to the hospital and that they could join him in his truck. The teens follow him, all worried about their friend.

He quickly walks to his truck and drives to the hospital with the teens.

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