First Day Back

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Lucas was not having the best day at school. He constantly felt people staring at his back wherever he went.

He tried to concentrate on what the teacher was teaching and feeling people staring at him all the time certainly did nothing to help him.

He was eternally grateful to the person who made his schedule because he had his friends in each and every one of his classes.

He was most thankful for having every class with Riley.


Whenever he would hear a comment about his relationship, he would turn to look at Riley.

He feared that Riley might hear the comment and decide that it was all too much for her and break up with him.

Unfortunately he knew what life was like without his princess and he did not wish to experience it again.


Riley always smiled in response so that she wouldn't worry Lucas. The mean comments hurt her but consoling Lucas was much more important to her at the time.

She knew exactly why Lucas looked at her every time there was a comment passed about their new relationship or her.

She had experienced life without her cowboy and she refused to relive it again.


It hurt both Lucas and Riley to hear the comments their classmates would pass about their relationship.

Some people called Riley a 'boyfriend stealer' and a 'horrible friend' which made Lucas' blood boil.

It took everything in him to stop himself from knocking those people out.

Riley could see how the comments affected Lucas and it hurt her.

She was extremely proud of Lucas for not losing his temper but was also hurt to hear the mean comments.


When the lunch bell rang, the two of them packed their things and left as soon as they could.

Riley decided to leave a few books, that she wouldn't need later, in her locker.

She turned to Lucas and said, "Hey Lucas, why don't you go ahead to the lunchroom without me?"

Lucas looked like he was about to protest but she continued, "I'm just going to my locker to leave a few books. I'll join you in a few minutes I promise."

Lucas sighs defeated and replies, "Alright I'll go and meet the others in the lunchroom. But if you're not there in 15 minutes I'm coming after you okay?"

Riley nods knowing that was the only way Lucas would let her go.

They kiss briefly before going their separate ways.


Lucas goes on to the lunchroom and finds his friends sitting on one of the tables. He goes to join them and they all discuss what all happened in their morning classes. Lucas eventually gets bored and takes out his phone.

He was just browsing through his photos when he comes across a few selfies from his date with Riley. He smiles to himself while selecting a picture of the two of them to upload. He feels poetic while writing down the caption:

I hadn't known what love was, the kind that takes over and keeps a beacon of hope shining inside of you, until I met you and lost you.

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