Clearing The Air

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Riley asks, "So do you want to talk now?"

Lucas sighs and says, "Yeah we probably should."


Lucas says, "I want to know why you told me that you loved me like a brother when we were in Texas."

Riley sighs and replies, "It was because of my insecurities after the yearbook fiasco. Everyone seemed to think we weren't suited for each other including Maya. I umm... I also had a chat with my Uncle Eric and his friend Jack during our semi-formal. They told me about a girl named Rachel they met in college who loved Jack like a boyfriend and Uncle Eric like a brother. I asked if they still talked to each other and Jack said they hadn't talked in years while Uncle Eric said that he talked to her all the time."

Lucas concludes, "So that's what you meant back when we were dancing back in Texas. You said that if we were brother and sister we would always be in each other's lives."

Riley nods to confirm.

Lucas sighs and asks, "Riley why didn't you just talk to me about it instead of taking a decision like that for both of us?"

Riley sighs and replies, "I don't know. I just thought that I knew better. I thought that you might have tried to change my mind."

Lucas says slightly agitated, "Of course I would have tried to change your mind Riley. I was sure of my feelings and trust me, they were never brotherly."

Riley looks down while Lucas continues, "Riley after we realised that we weren't ready for labels, we had decided that our relationship would be ours. Why would you compare it to some love triangle your Uncle Eric was in?"

Riley looks up and replies, "I was scared and insecure. I know that I should have talked to you. I'm sorry for not doing that and I promise that going forward I will do my best to talk to you if I ever feel this way."

Lucas holds her hands in his and says, "I appreciate your apology and I would like to take decisions about our relationship together. No one can decide what is right or wrong for our relationship except for us. Both of us. Please remember that."

Riley nods with tears in her eyes.

Lucas says, "I guess it's your turn to ask me something."

Riley asks, "I want to know what's going on between you and your parents."

Lucas visibly stiffens and Riley continues, "I know they've practically abandoned you with all those long business trips they keep going on and also that they haven't been back home since before you left for Texas."

Lucas says, "I was going to tell you about this today myself, I promise. You could say that I've had a bit of a falling out with both my parents. It wasn't as bad when we just came to New York. It was only my dad at first. Mama still talked to me until a few months back. It was after we came back from Texas last year. That's when the extra long business trips started."

Riley asks, "Why didn't you tell us anything?"

Lucas thinks for a moment and replies, "I guess I didn't want it to be real."

Riley looks confused so he explains, "If I told you guys I would have to acknowledge the fact that my parents sort of hate me right now. I guess I just thought that if I didn't tell any of you, I could still pretend that it was just a nightmare."

Riley nods, understanding his reasoning.

Lucas takes a deep breath before he asks, "How did you know so much about this?"

Riley replies, "Pappy Joe told us when he was scolding all of us. You had just stormed off to the bullpen after arguing with our friends. He was on a roll and I think it kinda slipped out. He didn't really mean to tell us."

Lucas lets out a laugh and says, "I should have known it was him. I'm guessing he also told you not to say anything until you were alone with me because I might open up more in private and that I would most likely want to tell you first."

Riley looks at him surprised and Lucas continues, "Judging by your expression, I guess I'm right."

Riley nods and says, "Your turn to ask me something."

Lucas asks, "What made you think that I liked Maya?"

Riley replies, "It was just that you both were voted as the best couple by our class and then you were so passionate to save the arts program for her. Again it was my insecurities because many people prefer Maya's company over mine. I mean you called her the 'Blonde Beauty' while I was just the 'Pretty Brunette' so I just -"

Lucas cuts her off and says, "Hang on, I never gave you guys those names. That was all Zay. I used your names when I talked about you two. Honestly speaking I was mostly talking about you and referred to Maya as the other one. Zay came up with those names to identify you guys better because I started talking about you guys so much. Zay always got confused when I would talk about you two for some reason which is why I went along with those nicknames."

Riley looks shocked and Lucas mutters, "I'm gonna kill Zay."

Riley laughs and says, "No you won't. Zay is still your best friend. This wasn't exactly his fault alone because my insecurities also played a big role. You are not allowed to kill your best friend. Am I clear?"

Lucas sighs and replies, "Yes ma'am. It's your turn to ask me something now."

Riley takes a deep breathe and asks, "That day in the bakery when you snapped you said something about wanting to kill yourself. Did you really have such thoughts?"

Lucas avoids eye contact and says, "Not very often no. Just sometimes when the situation with my parents and you guys became too much for me to handle. I promise I never did anything about it. Spending time with Auggie really helped to keep those thoughts away."

Riley pulls Lucas into a hug and says, "I'm really sorry for everything I did but I'm really glad that Auggie helped you."

Lucas returns the hug and replies, "So am I"

They pull away and Riley says, "It's your turn now Lucas."

Lucas asks "Why did you go out with Charlie Gardner?"

Riley takes a deep breath and replies, "I wanted to get over you. I also needed something, or rather someone, to keep me distracted."

Lucas nervously asks, "So you never had feelings for him?"

Riley shakes her head in response and Lucas sighs in relief.

He then says, "I think I'm done with my questions so it's all you now."

Riley says, "Maya told me about the moment you two had at the campfire in Texas."

Lucas groans and Riley asks, "Why didn't you kiss her then?"

Lucas immediately replies, "Because she wasn't you."

Riley looks confused so Lucas explains, "I was about to kiss her in a moment of weakness but then I realised she wasn't you. Like I said, I was sure of my feelings so I couldn't bring myself to kiss her. Regardless of being hurt by what you had said to me earlier, I just couldn't kiss someone else when I knew I was in love with you. Besides, Maya is actually like a little sister to me."

Riley looks at him with tears in her eyes and says, "I love you too, Lucas. I'm so sorry for hurting you."

Lucas kisses her softly and says, "Don't worry about that now. It's all in the past now. We've got a future together to enjoy."

Riley lets out a laugh and replies, "That we do."

They clicked a few pictures together and enjoyed each other's company before packing up and going back home.

They reach home just before their curfew.

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