Dentist (9 Years Old)

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  "Sasuke? Are you afraid?", Naruto asked with a soft smile and worried eyes. Sasuke's expression turned to surprise, then he quickly pouted. "N-No..", he mumbled yet still held Naruto's hand tightly.

  "It won't hurt Sasuke, it's just a cleaning.", the dentist tried to reassure Sasuke. Naruto nodded in agreement. "All right, open wide please.", the doctor said and held her items. Sasuke gulped and did as he was told.

  He whimpered as he felt something metal tap against his teeth and gums. Naruto watched the dentist do her job, and he squeezed Sasuke's hand. Sasuke squeezed his eyes shut.

  "All right, next I'm just going to polish your teeth.", she said and grabbed another tool. This time, it turned in a rapid motion. Sasuke opened his eyes as he heard a 'whrrr' then shut them immediately because of the blinding light.

  Sweat trickled down his forehead. "Alright, done.", she said and grabbed something else and placed it in his mouth.

   "Close please." And Sasuke did as asked. He gasped as he felt the item suck out all the saliva in his mouth. Naruto chuckled at his shocked expression. Sasuke blushed. He wasn't so brave and mighty now.

  "Done. You did a great job Sasuke. Here you go.", the dentist smiled behind her mask and handed him a bag full of teeth cleaning items and a few stickers. "Pokémon! Sasuke you like Pokémon!", Naruto smiled with joy and pointed at the Pokémon stickers.

  Sasuke's lips parted and he took out the Pokémon stickers. "Charmander!",he smiled in delight.


  "See. It wasn't so scary!~", Naruto teased as they walked home. Sasuke mumbled something and looked away in embarrassment. Naruto smiled and gave him a pat on the head. "I use to cry when Iruka told me I had to go to the dentist. I had really bad cavities and I was afraid they were going to take them out." Naruto began.

  Sasuke smiled slightly, he wasn't surprised that Naruto was scared of the dentist. "Well, they did take them out." Naruto chuckled. "I still eat lots of candy but I have to always brush my teeth afterwards. You do the same. I don't want you getting any cavaties like me!", Naruto scolded.

  "Of course. I'm not dumb like you.", Sasuke pouted. "I'm not dumb!", Naruto crossed his arms and pouted.

  "Uh, Naruto. Sometimes I wonder. Are you really 21 years old cause you look 17. Even my older-.. Itachi looked older than you.", Sasuke said. Naruto flinched slightly at the name but kept his composure.

  "Ah, well my mom is an Uzumaki. I got my looks from my father but I have her personality and her 'power' to age slower. People say Uzumaki's have something in their blood or skin that makes them age much slower, so when I'm like.. 40 something years old it'll look like I'm in my early twenties. It's really something huh?", Naruto says.

  Sasuke thinks about it for a moment, then nods. "It's weird but also cool. The 'power' or whatever usually hits when you turn 17 or 18.", Naruto adds. "And it's only in my family!", Naruto says proudly.

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