Part 21

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A/N: Guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated for like ages but unfortunately I have my finals so here's a tiny little update because well... I love you guys. Also we're back to Anna's POV

Well it's time for me to say goodbye to the land of sun and fuzzy koala bears and go back to the land of royal snobs and rain. That's just my dramatic way of saying it's time for me to go back to England.

I got Val and Daniel to help out so that I didn't have to pack up all my stuff alone because I have a lot of stuff and I'm really fucking lazy.

While we were packing I found some stuff that brought back so many memories, good and bad. My 1st birthday where I put all of the crepe streamers on me after everybody left, the 1st time I went to Disneyland. Yes I went to Disneyland! Don't judge me.

Anyway, we were done packing and I realised that Michael was suposed to go to London sometime this weekend as well. I just hope he's not in the flight I'm in because that would be so awkward that I would probably have to jump of the flight!


My flight was at night so I had the entire morning to do absolutely nothing but roll around my bed and crib about the fact that I have to sit on a plane for god knows how many hours.

Mother didn't bother with waking me up or making breakfast for that matter. I guess she's still pissed because of "THE INCIDENT"

Well nevertheless I tried my best not to stir up any kind of unpleasantness since it was my last day with her after all.

After watching all three seasons of Sherlock and one season of Britain's Next Top Model I decided that it was time to get my ass of the couch and go and do something.

So I took a shower, got dressed ( black shorts, tank top, black hoodie), my hair in a bird's nest on top of my head because I couldn't be bothered and headed out to nowhere particular in mind.

As I was driving I realised that unconsciously I had driven all the way to Michael's flat. It looked really empty and quiet for a place housing 4 horny college aged boys who happened to be in a pop punk band.

I just sat there in my car opposite their flat and wondered if Michael was sleeping with that girl I saw him with at whatever restaraunt I went to for that ghoulish dinner. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I'm really going to miss him. Well, not just him but the other three goofs too. Michael and I hadn't known each other for that long and we weren't really... I dont know how to explain what we were.

After like 5 minutes of staring at his flat I heard a knock on my window. Not gonna lie I thought it was a serial killer but it was Luke. Sweet, shy and blonde Luke.

"Stalk much, Anna? Can I come in?"

"Yes you may and I'm not stalking anyone."

"Well Mikey's gone to get supplies. We're leaving today."

"Ohh.. me too."

"Where are you going? Are you following us?"

"No I'm not following you Luke, I'm going back to Manchester tonight, to live with my aunt."

"Oh yeeaahhh... I forgot about that."

"Well I didn't expect you to remember."

"Anna, what's wrong? Are you still upset about Mikey leaving?"

"I don't know what's wrong Luke! I want him to be happy and be famous and stuff but at the same time I want him to be.. MINE. Not like my property or anything just you know.."

"I know what you mean."

Luke was one of the sweetest guys I've met and it was so nice of him to listen to me rambling about everything.

We spoke for an hour and then we both had to leave because we had flights to catch. I hugged him goodbye and I said I'd keep in touch with him. Val was my best friend but her advice wasn't nearly as good as Luke's and I need a lot of good advice once I'm in Manchester.


I got in my Dad's car with my mother at the back and me in front so that no one scratched anyone's eyes out. Val and Daniel were supposed to meet us at the airport. We reached the international airport and I saw Val and Daniel waiting for me with some stuff in their hands.

I got out and gave Val a big, tight hug. I could feel her tears slowly being absorbed in my t-shirt. I don't cry that easily but seeing her so upset I teared up a bit too. Next came Daniel. He was much taller than me so when I hugged him he lifted me up, my feet dangling inches from the ground. In my ears he whispered,"Saranghaeyo" He was too cute to handle.

Val gave me a vinyl cd of Guns & Roses because she knows they're my favourite oldie band. However, nothing could compare to the stuff Danny boy gave me. He gave me his very own Fender Strat and a copy of BTS's 2 COOL 4 SKOOL because it has my favourite song on it.

"I'm gonna miss these losers" I thought and gulped down my sorrow to put on a smile so fake that I was surprised anyone believed it.

Both my parents gave me a hug and BOTH of them told me to behave. Yeah like that's gonna happen right?


After all the formalities and waiting for the flight that was taking me to my doom I finally boarded. I was greeted onboard by a tall,young and blonde woman with a 36 watt smile and a heavy Aussie accent. She was pretty but her accent kind of lessened her appeal to me.

I got to my seat and stuffed my carry ons above and took out my i-Pod and my headphones and a book to read.

There weren't any people in the seats next to me so I thought it would be a comfortable journey but right before they started closing up I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me is this row 16"

Without looking at the person I said," Yup sweet 16."

When I finally turned around I almost threw up because of whose face I saw.

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