Part - 22

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Oh for fuck's sake not again! The universe clearly hates me and I must have done something terrible...oh wait.

"Uhh.. excuse me miss!" I called out to the blonde stewardess

"Yes how may I help you?"

"I was just wondering if it would be possible to you know.. change seats?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but that's not possible."

"Well is it possible to get off right now?"

The woman looked really weirded out at this question. She looked as if I'd asked her to donate both her kidneys to Hitler.

"I'm sorry ma'am once the doors are closed they only open at your destination."

Disappointed I just slumped back in my seat with MICHAEL sitting to my left.

"Well.. could I atleast get some alcohol?"

"Are you 18?"

"Yup I am."

Then Michael pipes in,"No she's not."

"I'm going to have to see some ID ma'am"

I handed my fake ID that Val had made for me and once again Michael had to butt in,"Yeah that's a fake ID."

I really wanted to kill him at that moment. Fortunately for him all my sharp objects were in my suitcases.

The stewardess completely weirded out went back to doing her business with her 36 watt smile. Man that smile was creepy!

"So.. Anna.."

"Michael before you even start your soliloquy I'm gonna ask you to stop. See there's no point if we're in a relationship ok? I'm going to Manchester and you're going away on a world tour, so i'm just trying to be realistic here."

"Anna having a long distance relationship is possible you know? I mean we could always give it a try."

"Michael I don't do long distance relationships, i'm sorry.I'm just not comfortable with it and honestly speaking i'm damaged goods, I don't see why you'd even bother with me."

I put my headphones back on and if Michael did say anything, I didn't hear it. We just sat there awkwardly till I eventually fell asleep.

I got of the plane with my stuff, sensing Michael right behind me as we got off the plane.
He was standing right next to me when I was waiting for my luggage, no talking whatsoever. I picked up up my newly acquired Fender from the belt and I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Luke.

"Nice guitar, you play?"

"Well I'm no Keith Richards but yeah I play."

I forgot that Michael was still there and my was he was giving us dirty looks. He showed clear signs of ENVY. He wasn't jealous, he was envious of Luke having what looked like a fun conversation with me. That kind of made me feel bad in a way but thenI snapped out of it.

The rest of my stuff came, I said goodbye and good luck to the boys and an awkward goodbye to Michael and walked towards the exit looking for my aunt or uncle or cousin whoever. I walked out of Manchester Airport and saw my grumbly, grungey cousin,Chris waiting for me with a sign that said 'Unwelcome cousin Anna Cooper' This was going to be fun... not. 

We got into what looked like Aunt Carrie's minivan and for the record Chris didn't even offer to help with my stuff. What did I tell you guys about royal snobs? Not that he was royal but he was a snob, kinda like Dudley in Harry Potter but a grungey and skinny Dudley.

Chris was a terrible driver. I don't know if he did that on purpose or not but I had 5 near death experiences in ONE car ride. 

We pulled up to Aunt Carries ugly driveway and I thought to myself "This is going to be torture." Chris went in and called my aunt and uncle and they came half-running and half-walking. They both hugged me and called me 'darling' and it felt really gross. I'd like to have returned their affection... well not really but I was jet-lagged and tired of the awkward silence in the flight. I needed either some form of alcohol or sleep and sleep seemed like the only option at that moment.


I was woken up at dinner time, which in England is 7:00 pm. I wass stil tired and trying to get used to the time difference but I pulled myself out of bed and took a long hot shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a Nirvana tee.

Now let me introduce you to my aunt Carrie and uncle James. My aunt was a typical British housewife. She made tea and biscuits and knit and made a fuss about every little thing. She also happened to be a stuck up perfectionist. That's why her son's so screwed up. Uncle James however, was much cooler than my aunt. He was a corporate lawyer and well he was a pretty badass one too.

Aunt Carrie had made pizza in my honour, which was pretty delicious but that didn't mean I was going to enjoy my time here. She also had a no-cellphones-at-dinner rule which I thought was outrageous, I mean how are you supposed to make small talk without the latest antics of Lindsay Lohan to your knowledge?

Nevertheless I survived through dinner and went up to the guest bedroom which was now my bedroom for the time being. Right before I fell asleep I recieved a text from a random number.

"Sleep well beautiful :*"

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