Part - 20

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A/N - So this next chapter/part is going to be from Michael's POV so.. Enjoy :)
"Seriously..? Already?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...well never mind we're done here. Let's go Daniel."
I finally got what she meant. She thought I'd moved on.
"But Anna..." ,too late she was gone," That's my sister."
I got back inside to join my sister Marit and she says," So that's the famous Anna huh?"
"Yup, the one and only."
I meant it. I had never ever met anyone like her. A person so complicated yet simple. A person just full of contradictions. Anna Cooper was truly one of a kind, with her leather jackets and purple hair and those intense blue eyes that you could get lost in. I was in love and there was no going back.
"Bro snap out of it! Are you in Annaworld again?"
"Huh what?" I was so distracted I forgot I had company.
"Bro you need to do something with yourself. You've been moping for way too long now and you're going on tour with one of the most famous boybands in the world! Get excited!"
"Excited? How can I be excited when the reason Anna doesn't want to go out with me is because I'm going on tour and got her expelled from school?"
"You listen to me Michael Gordon Clifford, if you spend one more minute over that girl who has quite clearly moved on then I'm going to smack your teeth out. I mean it. You leave for London in a week and you have a lot of shit to do and you're going to do it without getting completely hammered. Got it?"
I give a little laugh and say,"You know for a little sister you do boss me around a lot."
"You know you love me so zip it and let's eat I'm starving!"
Marit puts her hand through mine and drags me to our table.
During dinner I realised that my sister was right Anna had moved on and maybe it was time for me to do so as well. I love her I really do and I never will stop loving her but I can't just sit around and do nothing.
I was going to get her back and I needed something big.

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