Part 24

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I couldn't sleep the entire night. I kept wondering who sent me those texts and if i'd acquired a stalker. I tried calling Luke again around 2 in the morning and he answered," Hey Anna what's up?"

"Did you get my message? Screw that did you give Michael my number?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Pinky promise?"

"Yeah pinky promise and will you tell me what's wrong?"

"Well... I've been getting these weird texts from some private number and its just messing with my brain a bit."

"Let's meet up on saturday, I know a guy who can help you out, he owes me a favour."

"Cool saturday at Starbucks near Oxford street?"

"Yup goodnight Anna."

Before I cut the line I could hear a voice, no Michael's voice in the background saying,"Is that Anna? How is she? Is she fine? Can I talk to her please?" He was too cute but I needed to snap out of this virtual world of dating Michael. IT WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


Saturday arrived and I was a bit nervous to find out who was on the other side of those creepy texts. I got dressed in a casual baggy denim shirt and some black skinny jeans, hair up in a messy knot, because I'm really lazy, and a pair of vans. I got permission to use Chris's beat up old Chevvy till my car gets shipped from Australia. Guess this move is going to be longer than I expected.

I got to the the meet up spot (Starbucks -_-) and got myself some coffee. I'm going to need the caffeine in my system if i'm going to find out who this weirdo is.

After about 5 mins I saw Luke walking up with some tall blue haired guy in thick black rimmed glasses carrying a laptop. Both of them took a seat ,"Anna this is Joe and he's going to find out who this mystery man of yours is." 

Joe gave me a big toothy smile and I returned the gesture with the best of smiles as well. Then he put out his hand and said,"I'm gonna need your phone Anna"

I handed him my phone and he started his work. Joe tried to explain to the both of us how the whole finding-this-guy-from-texts works but it kinda went over both our heads, so we just, gossiped. Yeah it was definitely gossip not just normal chit chat.

"And you know my ex asked me out again the 1st day of school even though he cheated on me with my best friend! I mean like how ridiculous right?!"

"It's outrageous, outrageous I tell you!"

"Guys could you zip it, I'm trying to work." 

This went on for a while and then out of the blue Joe slams his laptop shut and he wore that same toothy smile I saw an hour ago.

"Ok so I couldn't find out exactly who it was but I did find out where these texts are coming from."

Me being the impatient one almost jumped out of my chair,"Well where is it from!"

"Sydney, Australia"

In unison both Luke and I said," Say what?!"


I drove back home as fast as possible trying to go over everything in my brain. Who could be sending me such vague and weird texts from Sydney of all places!

I got home and went up to my room, avoiding conversations of any kind, and locked the door so no one would barge in.

I dropped my bag, opened my shoes and collapsed on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I tried to think of all the people who could do such crap and came up with no names. Then my phone vibrated in my pocket and I saw I had another text from that number.

" Not that far away anymore." 

Ok now that completely freaked the crap out of me. Has this person somehow gotten a hold of my address in Manchester? I was so dazed I hadn't realized the door bell ring. 


Chinese guy?


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