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I woke up next morning at about 8, which was fairly early since it was a Sunday. I vaguely remember Michael and my conversation last night. That's when I realised he was still passed out on the rug. He had rotated clockwise and was cuddling the pillow, the duvet miles away from him. God I would not want be in the same bed as him when he's drunk.

I didn't wake him up since I kind of knew he'd have a massive hangover so I quietly made coffee, checking if my mother was awake every 2 minutes. When I got back to my room with coffee Michael was kind of awake. You know the kind of awake you are when you get completely smashed the night before...yeah that kind.
In a whisper he says,"Is that coffee I smell?"
"Yup extra strong for the hangover. Also there's some aspirin if you need."
He sat up groggily and grabbed the coffee. Scratching his head he asks,"how the hell did I end up here?"
"No idea. You came here in the middle of the night, said some real deep bullshit and then giggled uncontrollably and passed out."
"Jesus Anna could you slow down a bit! I still can't process so many words so fast."
"Oh that bad huh?"
There was silence for the next few minutes while we sipped at our coffees. Suddenly Michael asks,"what deep bullshit?"
"You said I told you some 'deep bullshit' last night. What did I say?"
"It was something like you can't end something you haven't started....something like that I'm not sure."
"Huh weird."
"Yeah anyways you should get going I need to start saying my goodbyes and I'm well grounded I assume."
"'Start saying your goodbyes'?"
"Oh guess I could start with you. Well I'm being shipped off - against my will - to Manchester in 2 weeks."
"Oh don't be so surprised Michael. What did you think my parents were gonna do when they found out about me and you? Throw a party, join hands and sing kumbaya with you?"
"Too many words..."
"Sorry but yeah it shouldn't really matter to you, you're going off to tour so..."
"So what? You think we can never meet again? You think you can avoid me forever? I mean you do realize that we have like 3 shows in Manchester right? And you can bet your ass that I will find out where you're living."
"Okay...well like I said last night we're done Michael. I'm being shipped off to Manchester because some stupid ass decisions I made...."
"Wasn't stupid to me.."
"Yeah well you aren't the one who got expelled and kicked out of the house."
"How many times do you want me to apologize for that? Because I'll do it If it means we can still see each other. I'm not even kidding."
"It's not just about that's just I don't think I'd be able to handle it. I've seen what happens to famous people's normal girlfriends and I do not want to live my life one step behind you."
"Woah woah woah hold on right there. You don't need to live your life one step behind me , you can do whatever the hell you want and we don't have to declare it or anything. It could be a secret lot of people do that and hey maybe we won't be that famous."
"'re touring with One Direction. I'll be surprised if you don't become the next big thing."

Suddenly I hear footsteps. I realise it could only be one person, my mother. "Michael under the bed now!"
"What ? Why?"
"Just do what you're fucking told and don't make a sound!"
"God this is way too early for this!"
As soon as Michael slid under the bed the door opened. "Anna who were you talking to?"
"What? I wasn't talking to anyone!"
"Anna I clearly heard you were talking to someone. I'm not that old yet."
"Oh oh yeah...uh...I was just...uhm..talking to Val! I was telling her about Manchester! She's really upset?"
"Oh okay I'm making pancakes for breakfast."
"Okay call me when they're done."

She left and Michael came out from under the bed. That was close!
"I think you should leave..."
"Yeah uhh..I think so too.."
He leaned in for a kiss but then realised that that wasn't happening so he just turned around and left the way he came.
What am I going to do with this boy?

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