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(A/N)- So I just got 1K reads!! Thank you so much guys :* And as promised I will continue updating this story. Spoiler- the next couple of parts is going to be a roller coaster ride
*Monday morning*
I woke up early this morning forgetting that I don't have school today, that I just have to go clear out my locker sometime so I just stayed in bed for another hour. Within the hour I finished reading The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and god that book is just so good. It's one of my favourites.

At around 10 I decided to get ready and go to clear out my shit from school. I put on a pair of black shorts, a blue tank top and a black hoodie. No makeup , no hairspray...nothing. I was going for the whole teen druggie look. I couldn't be bothered about anyone's opinions at the moment. I walked down with my bag to put my stuff in, grabbed my car keys and left.

I wasn't in the best of moods so I thought I'd get some coffee, coffee always helps. I reached school at lunch time and all the kids there were just staring at me like I had just murdered someone. Regardless I just walked in, earplugs in blasting some Of Mice and Men and finally got to my locker.
While I was clearing out my stuff I felt a little tap on my shoulder I turned back ready to punch whoever it was and realised it was Daniel Yong.
Let me just introduce Daniel for you first. He was -according to me- one of the hottest guys in school. He was like 6ft tall, had sexy black hair swept towards the right and falling on his eyes in perfect proportion and the most intense black eyes ever. Bonus he was Korean (I have a thing for Asian people as well. Especially Korean people.) He also happened to be the most amazing singer there was.
"Woah Anna relax it's just me."
I took out my earplugs, blushing just a bit," oh my god I'm sorry! Gwenchana*?"
I smacked him hard on his right shoulder ,to which he protested very loudly but then I gave him a hug.
Daniel and I had like a inside...joke I guess you could say. Basically we would use basic Korean words while talking especially if there were other people around.
"Well anyways I heard you were leaving..."
"Not exactly I got expelled."
"Really? Why?"
"You really don't know?"
"No...well there are rumours but I chose not to believe them."
"That's sweet of you but it's true Dan. I got expelled for being involved with a teacher."
Daniel didn't look shocked or anything he just looked upset. In a swift motion he grabbed my hand and pretty much dragged me to the supply closet near my locker and slammed the door shut. I felt like I was in one of those cheesy K-Dramas we both used to watch and make fun of.
Daniel took a step towards me and our faces were just a centimetre apart. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it was going to explode. I'm not gonna lie I've had a little schoolgirl crush on Daniel for ages but I chose to ignore it and when Michael happened I kind of forgot how much I liked him.

I could feel his breathing getting a bit shallow," you know Anna when I heard those rumours I really hoped they weren't true because then I wouldn't be able to do this.."
He grabbed my chin and kissed me. I didn't fight it, I gave in and kissed back. Soon I felt his hand on my hips and my back against the shelves, my hands in his oh so perfect hair. I was so caught in the moment I had completely forgotten about everything else.

I heard the door open and I pulled away from Daniel. I couldn't believe who was at the door.
Authors note:
There were some Korean words used in this part and I put a little star against them an here's the meanings:
Gwenchana (pronounced : gen chha na) - Are you alright/ok
Aniya - No

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