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Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a strange noise in my room. I got up and switched on my night light and saw someone at the window. When I got closer I realised it was Michael, completely smashed.

I quickly opened the window and he just fell on me for support and I helped him get in. He had a bottle of beer in his hand and you could smell the alcohol in his breath.
"Michael what on earth are you doing here?"
He said something but between the slurred words and the weird drunk giggles I understood nothing.
"Wait what the hell did you just say?"
He went and sat on the bed and said," I think I love you."
I don't think I was hearing right at that time," Did you just tell me you LOVE ME?! AGAIN?!"
"I said I THINK I love you."
"You're drunk Michael go home, everyone's worried about you plus we're done."
"But Anna we can't be done if we haven't even started anything right?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean....wait what do I mean...?"
Then he starts giggling in this weird schoolgirl manner and I'm not gonna lie it was really cute.
"Oh wait I know what I meant now. I meant we've only been on one official doesn't count as starting anything so how can we be done?"
"Wow! You're fucking deep when you're drunk, most people are just dumb but I see what you're getting at and well I guess we're done with whatever it is we had and whatever the future possibilities of us dating are, I don't really think it would matter much after you get all world famous and shit."
"Of course it'll matter. You matter, to me."
"Huh.. First time I've heard that."
"There's a first time for everything!"
Then he topples over the bed and crash lands on the rug. Michael just starts laughing his butt off. I had to physically shut him up so that my mum wouldn't wake up.
"Michael that was the most clichéd thing you have ever said."
But it didn't matter what I said he had already passed out on the floor and was peacefully snoring. I couldn't possibly wake him up or carry him to the bed so I got a pillow and a duvet from my cupboard, put the pillow under his head and put the duvet over him.
I locked the door so even if I woke up late next morning mum wouldn't be able to come in and find my passed out ex art oteacher/whatever the hell we were.

I thought about calling Ashton and letting him know that Michael's safe and at my place but it was really late so I sent him a text:
Michael passed out at my place. You can pick him up in the morning :)

Finally I went over to the bed, switched off the night light and immediately fell asleep.

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