Part 7

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I wake up early next morning and saw Michael was still asleep so I wrote him a little note, left it on the table near the bed and left.
I got home and saw mom sitting on at the table looking absolutely pissed. "Shit! I am as good as dead" I thought.
Then she gets up and says,"Anna Marie Cooper where on earth were you ALL night?! Don't tell me you were at Vals because I know you weren't. So would you like to explain or should I just ground you now?"
"Just ground me mom I don't care. Atleast I won't have to go out with Dad then."
"Oh no no no you'll still be going to dinner with you father."
"Whatever mom"
"Go get dressed for school you're going to be late"
"Actually mom I'm not feeling to good I think I'm coming down with something so I'm just going to stay home ok?"
"Ok well if you need anything I'll be in my room."
"Yeah cool"
I stayed in bed all day because I just didn't want to deal with everything.
I hear my phone ringing and see it's Michael calling I pick up and he says," Anna I missed you at school today. What happened?"
"Nothing Michael I wasn't feeling very good and thought I'd stay home."
"Oh is it okay if I come over to your place?"
"Well if you can climb in through the window, sure"
"The window? Why?"
"My mothers home and well I don't think she'd approve of me dating a teacher"
"Ok fine I'll be there in 10"
I hung up and tried to look a bit presentable but it didn't help I still looked like crap.
Finally I hear a knock on my window and saw Michael I went up to my window and owned it to let him in. He almost knocked over a lamp and I said," Holy crap be careful if my mom hears you I'm going to be shipped off to boarding school!"
"Wouldn't want that" he says with that crooked smile of his and grabs me by the waist and kisses me. I kiss him back slowly, passionately and landed on the bed. I got on top of him and I felt him smiling a bit but then he accidentally knocks over my lamp and it lands on the floor with a crash!
I heard my mom rushing up the stairs," Anna what happened? Are you alright?"
"Yes mum I'm fine!" I scream back while trying to figure out where to hide Michael
"Get under the bed! Get under the bed or she's gonna see you!"
I had my shirt off so I hastily put that back and and saw Michael slide under the bed with ease.
Mom opens the door and sees the lamp on the floor ," How did that happen?"
"Oh you know I was just fooling around and it broke"
"Well as long as you're not hurt...."
"Oh mum I'm totally fine."
"Ok. It's late I think you should go to bed"
"Yeah yeah absolutely" I say feeling relieved she didn't catch us.
As soon as she left I said," You can come out now."
"You know I kinda like it down here it's pretty cosy."
I laugh ,"Get out you goof! You need to go home."
"Aww man! I don't want to"
"Well you have to babe."
He then makes the cutest face ever and kisses me on the neck and says with puppy dog eyes ,"Can't I just stay here? We could cuddle"
"Fine but you can't have your shirt on if you want to stay."

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