Part 10

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The next morning I wake up and check my phone and see that I got a text from Michael. It said:

Anna I need to talk to you. It's really important, can you come over at around 12?

I write back:

I'll try but I'm still grounded you know

Just tell your mom you're going to the library or something and come over.

Yeah ok fine.

I walk down to the kitchen to get my breakfast but mom was already gone. Where? I have no idea but hey atleast I can go out without hesitation now.

I eat my cereal , take a shower , put on some random clothes, grabbed my keys and purse and left.


On the drive over to Michael's house I tried to think about what could he possibly want to tell me. Is he breaking up with me? Did someone at school find out we know together?

Finally I reached his place and Mr. Hemmings opened the door and my god he looked so different! He had a lip ring and he looked so much younger also hotter.

"Anna" he said "come on in we've been waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? Why?"

"Well Michael wanted to wait for you before we make our announcement."

"Announcement? What announcement?"

"I've already said enough. You'll get to know in a minute."

I walk in and see Michael, Ashton and this other guy I haven't met and 3 girls I have never seen before. Michael walks up to me and gives me a tight hug and tell me to sit down.

"Well introductions first Anna that's Calum our bass player" Michael says pointing at the guy I didn't know " and no he's not a teacher."

"Ahh thank god for that!"

Michael points to the first of the girls who was sitting on the couch and said," That's Luke's girlfriend whose name I can never remember" he points at the next girl and says," That would be Ashton's lovely sister Kiara" he points at the last girl and says,"And that's Calum's girlfriend Ashley."

I smile politely and say hi and waited for the boys to make their announcement.

Mr...I mean Luke then got up and said," So we called you all here to tell you that uhh...we got a call from One Direction's manager and they want US to be their opening act for their Take Me Home tour!"

I couldn't believe what I just heard," Wait when did this happen?"

Michael got up and said,"Well apparently they saw our covers on YouTube and someone posted our performance from yesterday online as well. Plus Louis and Niall really liked our covers and now we're going on tour with them."

Ashton's sister finally spoke," So when are you guys taking off?"

Calum then said," We'll be off in 2 weeks I think."

2 weeks I thought. In 2 weeks Michael would be gone for god knows how many months. He'll be gone.

I get up and walk towards the door. Michael follows me outside and grabs my arm from the back.

"Anna what's wrong?!"
"You're going off to tour with One Direction for god knows how many months! How do you expect US to work out with all those girls throwing themselves at you!"

I hadn't realised I had started crying ," Michael I'm not telling you shouldn't go it's just I don't know if I'll be able to deal with."

He just stood there. Not a word from his mouth. Then he comes closer he puts one hand on my cheek and says," Anna listen , no matter what happens I will always be yours."

I remove his hand from my cheek," That's some utter bullshit ok no one ever means it."

"Well I'm not just anyone ok Anna I am in love with you for gods sake!"


"Yeah you heard it I am in love with you and have been ever since our first date. I know it hasn't been long but there's just something about you , your personality that draws me to you."

"I'm sorry Michael I can't do this I need some time to think."

"Anna please..."

"Michael just don't."

I get it into the car and drive off tears rolling down my face like a river. I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

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