Part - 25

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Chinese guy?

I didn't know anyone who was Chinese in Manchester. I mean there was that one guy who works at Panda Express but I highly doubt he's the one at the door.

I walk down in my pajamas,still wondering who my mystery Chinese man is, and then I see it actually is some random Chinese guy with a little blue box in his hand.

"For Anna Cooper, from her secret admirer," he says with a heavy accent.

I take the box from him, close the door and immediately open the box. There was a larger than usual fortune cookie inside it and I opened it up and it said:

"Look inside the lining of the box.

 You may find something you've been longing for."

As instructed I take the box apart and I find concert tickets. Tickets for a One Direction -5 Seconds Of Summer concert in Manchester tomorrow.

My mind started processing everything faster than any supercomputer could and eventually came to the conclusion of who my mystery text-er was.



After a lot of speculation and a sleepless night, I decided that I would go to the concert. Not because I want to see Michael but because I want to see them all big and famous performing at the O2. Also since I had front row tickets, why waste it right?

I had convinced my aunt and uncle both to let me go but the catch there was that I had to take Chris with me. Neither of us were very happy with this situation so we planned, that he'll drop me of at the concert hang out with his junkie friends somewhere shady and then pick me up after the concert and go back home like we had just seen the most amazing show ever.

It was a pretty airtight plan to be honest. At least he's shown proof as to the existence of his un-evolved brain.


I was freaking out. Simply freaking out. I haven't seen the boys apart from Luke in a while, well at least in person I haven't.

I start getting dressed because you can't really go to a concert in your pajamas right? So I chuck on a sleeveless Nirvana tee, a pair of blue ripped jeans and some Doc Martens. I dyed my hair into this dark-blue-but-looks-black colour and it goes damn well with the outfit.

I try and get Chris's ass up so that we don't get late but he just refused to move. I had to push him out of his bed to wake him up and get him going.


Chris dropped me off at the O2 and went.. somewhere. I awkwardly walked in along with hordes of teenage girls, some with unwilling boyfriends and some with unwilling parents.

I walked up to the front and waited endlessly for the show to begin.

Finally the lights went out and there was a huge shout from the crowd and I was just standing there waiting to see why I was called here.

The boys finally came on. Ashton took his seat behind his drums and the other boys took their place in the front, each of them with their own guitars. Then Michael started off with the first song of their set, She Looks So Perfect. It was their first single and I saw them practice that song a couple time before but this was a level apart. They all looked like they've been doing this for ages!

They went on with their set and with each song they played my heart sank a bit more. Was this some sort of prank? Why the hell was I called here? Why the hell am I here? You could see all these good looking girls who would kill to be with any one of those boys and then there's me, bitter, broken me. It wasn't a very flattering scene with people screaming and if i'm not mistaken I saw a couple of bras thrown at the stage.

That was it. I needed to leave and leave immediately. I started pushing through the crowd of teens and their raging hormones but suddenly all the lights in the arena were switched off and there was a circle of blue light on me. I turned slowly towards the stage and saw Michael and Luke both look at me. Michael looked like he'd seen a ghost while Luke had the biggest smile on his face. They had a little conference and then Michael came up to his mic and said," So the next song, I wrote for someone who means the world to me, and well.. I can't live without her. This song is called The Only Reason."

The song went something like this:


Don't talk, let me think it over

How we gonna fix this?

How we gonna undo all the pain?

Tell me, is it even worth it?

Looking for a straight line

Taking back the time we can't replace


All the crossed wires,

Just making us tired

Is it too late to bring us back to life

When I close my eyes and try to sleep

I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe

You're the reason, the only reason

Even though my dizzy head is numb,

I swear my heart is never giving up

You're the reason, the only reason

I just stood there, tears streaming down my face, happy tears though. I couldn't believe it. So that's why I was here. His grand gesture to get me back.

The song was over and not just me but almost the entire crowd had tears in their eyes.

Michael took off his guitar, practically threw it on the ground and jumped off the stage in a swift motion. Didn't know he was that athletic. People were gasping and screaming as he walked towards me through the sea of raging hormones. Everyone cleared the path for him and he was about 3 inches away from me now.

"So..Anna does that.."

I cut him off with my lips. I'm sorry I couldn't stand a conversation when all I wanted to do was kiss him. I could hear the flashes of camera phones and the dreams of a thousand girls being shattered.

I could see from the corner of my eyes that Luke, Ashton and Calum were pretending to throw up on stage, but who the hell cares!

We pulled apart after what felt like an hour. It was nice to be back in his arms again. It was warm and cozy and a bit stinky now, just like a duvet.

"So I've been meaning to ask you about those creepy ass texts. Where they from you?"

"Texts? What texts? I don't even have your number!"

We both realized what had happened and we both turned towards the stage and looked at Luke. He was just smiling giddily, content with his cupid like work. We looked back at each other and just laughed and Michael kissed me again. this time for a short while,"Mike don't you have a show to play?"

"Oh crap! Forgot about that! I'll be right back."

He ran over to the stage and resumed their set.

I was in love alright.


Well that's the end of this book. I know the ending is very clichéd but well... Anyways I'm still contemplating about a sequel so let's see how well this last part is received.


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