Part 5 - The first date

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The weekend came pretty quickly and my first week back wasn't the best. Stephanie Simmonds has been picking on me like its her job, I totally cannot focus in art with Michael just looking at every single stroke I make and to top it off I think Mr.Irwin totally hates me.

Finally the day was here. My first real date with Mr... I mean Michael. To be honest I have no idea what I feel for him. I mean yeah he's really attractive and he's really funny and he's in a band and stuff him being my teacher completely screws it up.

Every time I think of actually having a relationship with him I just get depressed. There is no way we could work you know. All this stuff only happens in movies, it could never be the same in the real world


*Saturday evening*

Since we were going for a movie as well as dinner I didn't dress up much. I put on a dark blue tank top, ripped black skinny jeans my favourite leather jacket and some jewellery and a bit of eye makeup.

I heard a car honking right at 8 and looked out my bedroom window to find Michael looking out the car.

I grabbed my purse and hurried down the stairs kissed my mom on the cheek who was by the kitchen counter and assured her I'll be back by 11.

I walked across the lawn and saw him waiting outside the car wearing a red flannel, ripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket.

"Nice look you got going on Mr.Clifford" I say teasingly

He smirks ,"Well you know I try."

He opened the front door and let me in ," Guess chivalry isn't dead" I say.

He just smiles and gets into the drivers seat and off we go.

I turn on the radio and hear All Time Low playing and said,"This is my jam!"

Michael looked at me with the most suspicious look," You like All Time Low?"

"What do you mean like? I freaking love them!"

"Looks like we have something in common then."

We sang along to the radio which surprisingly was playing some of my all time favourites and turns out some of them Michael loved as well.


We got to the movie theatre and decided we'd watch the new Transformers movie. Turns out Michael's a massive nerd as well.

During the movie he put his arm around me and it just felt right. After sometime I put my head on his chest. I could hear is heart beating abnormally fast so I said," Your hearts beating really fast."

"Well" he said," it happens when you've got your arms around a beautiful girl."

I said nothing after that. I just buried my head deeper in his chest and continued watching the movie.


After the movie was over we were supposed to go for dinner but I ate an entire tub of popcorn and if I ate anymore I would probably throw up. That's something you'd like to avoid on a first date.

Instead of going for dinner Michael suggested we go to this park nearby and I said why not. We got to the empty park and just lay down on the grass just staring at the stars in the sky. My god it was beautiful. For a while both of stayed quiet but the suddenly Michael props up and says," So Anna tell me about yourself."

I turn on my side to face him and say,"What do you wanna know."

"Well I want to know you."

"Ok vague but I can work with that. So uhh...I'm a single child - praise The Lord for that- and my parents separated when I was about 8 and they didn't want to tell me. After they did tell me I kind of became who I am now. Listening to All Time Low and Sleeping With Sirens and stuff. Partly why I took an interest in art and started learning an instrument, writing shitty poetry and stuff. Also I'm fluent in French and Korean."

"I'm sure your poetry isn't shitty and why Korean?"

"I don't know I just really wanted to learn an Asian language and Chinese is mainstream. Enough about me I'm curious about you."

"Curious huh?"

"Yeah. The day I asked you out you said you have band practice on Friday which clearly means you're in a band yet you still teach art in a crappy high school. Why didn't you just become a music teacher?"

"Yeah I do have a band actually with my friends Luke , Ashton and Calum. You already know Luke and Ashton..."

"I do?"

"Oh yeah Ashton's your English teacher and I'm pretty sure Luke is your math teacher"

"No fucking way! Mr.Irwin is in a band? He just acts like such a hard ass I could never have pictured him in a band"

"Oh Ashton just acts like a hard ass he's as harmless as a puppy in real life"

I burst out laughing. I was picturing Mr.Irwin as a puppy and man that image is hilarious

"Ok so why are you an art teacher again?" I ask

"Being in a band doesn't really pay all your bills Anna so I was kinda forced to become a teacher and I don't think the school would really appreciate their students jamming out to Led Zeppelin"

"I see"

We talked for what seemed like hours. I checked my watch and saw that it was already 11:30 and completely freaked

"Michael we have to leave like right now! My mom is going to ground me forever!"

I finally got home at 11:50 and quietly opened the door so mom wouldn't be able to hear me come in and she didn't.

My phone buzzed the minute I got to my bedroom. It was a text from Michael. It read:

I had a lot of fun tonight. Let's do this again

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