Part 12- All hell breaks loose

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I got to my school wondering why the hell our principal wants to meet with me on a Saturday of all days. What could honestly be so important.

I walk down to the principal's office and see Michael, Mr. Simmonds ,the principal and the weird office assistant waiting....for me I assume.

"Hi Mr. Simmonds what's up" I say hesitantly

"Well Anna there have been some serious allegations made against you by one of your classmates and the school authorities needed to verify this claim."

"Ok but what does Mr. Clifford have to do with this? I mean it's not like I cheated in can't possibly do that."

"Anna the allegations made are much more serious than cheating. We have been informed that you have been dating a faculty member of this school..."

I started freaking out inside,"Holy crap! How did anyone find out about us?! We were more than careful!" I thought.

"And that faculty member is Mr. Clifford."

"Mr. Simmonds," I said after recovering from the initial shock I had received ,"You can't possibly think I would date a faculty member! I'm not that kind of girl!"

Well technically I was but I couldn't think of anything else that would help in my defence.

"Anna I'm sorry but I do believe the student who made this claim because she has evidence."


"What evidence?"

"I'm not at liberty to show you that Anna. Nevertheless we have to inform your parents and also since we have a no tolerance policy on this we have no other choice than to expel you.

"Expel me?! But..but..."

"I'm sorry Anna. As for Mr. Clifford..."

Then Michael opens his mouth for the first time since we've been here," Before you say something Mr. Simmonds I'd just like to say that Anna has done nothing wrong...I might have pressured her into it, so don't expel her. Please."

"Well in that case Mr.Clifford I have no other choice than to fire you."

"Actually Mr. Simmonds that won't be necessary, I was going to quit anyways."

Michael then turns around and leaves. I was just standing there absolutely dumbfounded. My mouth was probably hanging open as well.

Then I got up the nerve and asked Mr. Simmonds ,"So am I still expelled?"

"Yes Anna you are. You can go home now I will contact your parents in a while and let them know. You can clear out your locker on Monday."

Go home you say? I'm not going to have one after you make that call.

I'm in a world of excruciating pain at the moment and all I could think of was him. He was the reason I got expelled. God I never should have listened to Val!

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