Part 9

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*Next Evening*

I started getting ready for Michaels gig downtown. I thought of inviting Val as well because I haven't spent quality time with her in a while.

I put on a pair of jeans, a nirvana t-shirt and doc martens with just a bit of eyeliner.

I head downstairs grab my keys and purse and from the back I hear," Where do you think you're going Anna?"

"I'm...uh.." I couldn't possibly tell her I was going to my boyfriends gig at a bar but then mom got up and said," Never mind. You know you're still grounded right?"

"Oh crap!" I thought I had completely forgotten about that.

"But mom I'm going to a friends gig any they could really use some support....even Val's going to be there. Please just let me go."

"No Anna gig or no gig you're not going anywhere apart from school for the next 3 days."

"God mom why do you have to be like this?!"

I stormed back up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it.

First thing I do is call Michael.

"Hey Anna where are you? All the girls are really eager to meet you."

"I'm sorry Michael I can't make it. I'm grounded."

"Grounded? For what?"

"Well the day I stayed over at your place I told mom I was going to Vals place but she found out I wasn't and well now I'm grounded for another 3 days."

"Ohh well I'm gonna miss a lot."

He sounded so sad I couldn't stand it. I really wanted to be there for him, to support his music and everything but I can't go behind my mom's back again. She'd ship me off to boarding school or one of those military schools!

"I'm so sorry babe. You have no idea how much I want to be there but best of luck you're gonna be great...I know it."

I hang up. I sit in bed listening to Mayday Parade - It's something I do when I'm depressed and sad - and eventually fall asleep without eating.


In the middle of the night I hear a knock on my window and see Michael so I get off the bed and walk up slowly rubbing my eyes just to make sure it actually was him.

He came in and give me a quick kiss," Hey nice bed-head" he says with that crooked smile of his and I hastily try and flatten my hair out.

"What are you doing here so late Michael?"

"Well I just wanted to see you tonight."

"You couldn't have waited till tomorrow morning because currently I look like shit."

"Oh Anna you could never look like shit and also no I couldn't wait because I had to this."

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me like it's his job and then after what felt like an hour he pulls back. I'm left completely dazed and I just stared at him with the weirdest expression.

"What?" He asks.

"'s just whenever I'm with you I feel like I'm in some sort of parallel universe where there's just US. No one else, no problems , no stress just you and me."

"That's some deep stuff you got there."

"What can I say I'm just deep like that."

He laughs and then kisses the top of my head and says," You look tired. I'm gonna leave now. 'Night babe."

"Good night"

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