Part 4

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I walked out of the classroom already late for English with someone called Mr.Irwin who I did not know. God how many new teachers do they have this year?!

I walked in the classroom looking apologetic for being late. Mr.Irwin stops me and asks, " Ms.Cooper what could possibly be the reason for you being so late to class?"

"Oh umm...actually I was uh..talking to Mr.Clifford about this..uh..thing"

"May I ask what this THING is?"

"It was an art thing"

"Never mind then. Next time do me a favour and get a note."

"Yes Mr.Irwin"

"Now go take a seat and open your textbook to page 40"

Geez he's a ray of sunshine

Thankfully Val was in this class as well. I passed her the piece of paper Mr.Clifford gave me and wrote :

He gave me his frigging number!

She looked at it and almost shrieked. Val wrote back on another paper:

No way Anna! This is so cool. Btw Mr.Irwin is sooooo hot

Val he isn't hot and no this is not cool at all what am I gonna do?

It's simple Anna call him! Ask him out on a date

What no! That's the most ridiculous thing you have ever said!

Come on it's just a date I'm not asking you to donate a kidney!

Fine. I hate you

Nahhhh you love me ;P

I look up from the note and see Mr.Irwin looking right at me ," Is there a problem Ms.Cooper?"

I hastily shoved the note in my pocket and said," Oh no there's no problem"

"Well if you could please pay attention, English is not a game"

Wow this class is going to be fun


I get back home and see mom's left a note and money on the kitchen counter. Means she isn't going to be home for dinner. Typical.

I went up to my room, took a shower and started on homework that the math teacher Mr.Hemmings had assigned on the first day of school and saw that little piece of paper sticking out of my pocket.

I pulled it out and flattened it out on the table.

My mind racing a million miles an hour. Should I call him or should I not? Maybe I could just send a text.

So I decide to send a text saying:

Hi Mr.Clifford uhh....look I know this is a bit awkward but would you like to go out some time?

After a minute or two, it's not like I was counting or anything, my phone buzzed. He replied:

I would love to also don't call me Mr.Clifford outside school it just feels wrong. Call

me Michael :)

I write back:

Oh uhh ok Michael. How about Friday night? Dinner and a movie maybe?

After about an hour I checked my phone. Michael wrote back:

Fridays not a good day I have band practice and teacher stuff to do. How about Saturday?

What the hell?! He's in a band?! If he's in a band why on earth is he teaching a crappy old public high school?

Nevertheless I wrote back:

Saturday sounds good. Pick me up at 8

8 it is then :)

Holy crap! I did it. I asked him out.

He's A Teacher?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora