035. a warm feeling

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( 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚'𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒔 )
thirty five.『 A WARM FEELING


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"COME ON. I want to put as much distance between us and this beach as possible. Just in case Volts miscalculated something." Johanna says as they walk down the steep slope, Indie carrying the spool of wire in her hand, slipping every now and then in the mud compared to Johanna and Katniss' precise movements.

The thing that stops their movements though is when the wire gets stuck, Indie frowning. "What the. . ." She'd been very precise about placing the wire in places it wouldn't get snagged on, even if this was not the important part that the others thought it to be. She tugged lightly on it, hoping it wouldn't catch anything sharp. But when it was cut she dropped it immediately like dead weight, pulling a knife from her waist, heart pounding as Johanna pulled her slightly behind her, moving her out of the way.

But then Johanna was attacking Katniss, shoving her to the ground as Indie threw the knife in the attackers direction, squinting slightly but the knife hit the tree next to Brutus instead of the intended target, causing her to step back, ready for their retaliation, hearing Katniss scream on the ground.

Heart hammering, she dodged Enobaria's own knife, her feet slipping again and she fell back onto the ground, groaning as she clutched her back which was poked by a sharp rock.

Somewhere, she hears Johanna hiss, "Stay down," to Katniss, and she looks over to see Katniss' arm a bloody mess, before Johanna is running off, the remaining careers following her.

Indie stands, running over to Katniss when she knows they are gone, whispering quietly, "Stay here, you'll be safe here."

She stands from Katniss' body, turning and running towards the lightning tree once again wanting to check on Beetee and check to see that everything was still alright. She trips several times but it doesn't deter her, if anything she picks up pace each time, her feet making heavy sounds as she crushes fallen leaves.

She hears someone calling her name, and pauses, looking around the forest seeming so much darker and much more lonelier with no one she trusts at her side. Her heart hammers in her chest as the voice grows quieter, as if being called from a distance and she runs her head as the ringing sound picks up in her ears.

"Finnick?" She calls, trying to gain the attention of whoever is there, calling her name. "Finnick?" She begins to cautiously walk towards to sound, and knows they've heard her when their voice begins to grow again, and she is relieved to find that it is indeed Finnick, running towards her. She lets out a breath of relief as he gets closer. "What happens? Where's Beetee and Peeta?" She asks as soon as he is close enough.

"I don't know," he answers. "We need to find Katniss."

"She's back there, Johanna knocked her out and cut her," Indie answers, not wanting to mention the part about how they took out Katniss' tracker in hopes that the Capitol hasn't realized what they are doing and tries to intervene. Finnick nods, getting a the message. "We need to go back to the tree," she says.

HUMANITY'S FAULTS, f. odairWhere stories live. Discover now