Chapter 8- Feelings

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It had been a week since the party. A week since Bucky came into your room. You haven't seen or even spoke to him since. Wanting to know why he left. But not knowing where to find him.

"Hey Bri," you turn around in the kitchen to see Tony standing in the doorway.
"Oh hey Tony, didn't see ya there."
"So we have a big mission coming up here soon. And if you want to come you can. But if not you'll be here in the facility by yourself."
"For how long?"
"Not sure, but the longest would be a week."
"I think I'll stay here. I'm still settling in."
"Ok, we're leaving in an hour. And if you need anything I'm a phone call away."
"Ok thanks Tony."
"See ya."

*The Next Day*
The Avengers have barely been gone a day and you're already bored out of your mind. You decide to go down to the kitchen to make yourself some food. As your making your toast you hear a thud outside.

What was that? Breathe Bri. I'm sure it's nothing.

"Jarvis, do a perimeter check."
"Yes Miss Bri. There seems to be someone on the premise."
"Thanks Jarvis." You head straight to your room when you hear someone walking down the hall. You quickly run to your room and lock the door.
"Everything is gonna be okay, just breathe."
"Bri?" You jerk at the sound of your name. The familiar voice starts ringing though your head.


You slowly walk to the door and open it, revealing Bucky standing there. He looks as if he hasn't slept in a week.
"We gotta go now!" He says grabbing your wrist and pulling you down the hall.
"What the fuck Bucky!" He completely ignores you and keeps running. "Bucky let me go right now!"
"Would you just shut up and listen."

"But dad I wanna stay here! I don't wanna go."
"Bri just listen to daddy. We're gonna go to our new home. Where there's no bad guys."
"Bri just shut up and listen to me."
End of Flashback^

"Bri! Are you listening to me?"
"What?" You find yourself on the floor and start rubbing your head.
"Are you okay?" Bucky says leaning in close to you.
"Yeah, what happened?"
"Not sure, I think you blacked out though. Look, we gotta go."
"But why?"
"I don't get along with some people, and I got in their way. So now they're after me and once Tony told me you were still at the facility I knew I had to come get you."
"Who? Who's mad at you? And how did you make them mad?"
"No time to explain come on!" Bucky grabs you by the wrist and begins running. "Could you run a little faster Bri?"
"I'm going as fast as I can." And without any thought Bucky picks you up and throws you on his back. As Bucky is carrying you you hear gunshots and yelling in the distance. After what seemed like an eternity Bucky slows down in front of a cabin in the middle of nowhere and puts you down.

"Bucky, where are we?"
"Somewhere where we'll be safe."

You guys go inside and you settle on the couch.
"Want a drink?" You look over and see Bucky holding a bottle of liquor.
"No I'm fine."
"Ok," Bucky pours himself a glass then comes over but before sitting down removes his jacket. And then you saw it. A metal arm. You look closer because it is something you've never seen.

How does he have a metal arm? That explains why he wears a jacket and gloves a lot. Was he trying to hide it from me?

"Bri, I know this is awkward and all but I'm sorry about the other night."

The other night? He really has the audacity to say that to me.

"Bri, I feel really bad about it." You start to become angry to where you can't even look at him.
"Then why'd you do it? Why did you walk out?"
"Because I didn't want to start something with you." You quickly turn your head back to him, trying to figure out what was wrong with you. "It's nothing about you. It's just I've been so busy with missions lately. I didn't want to have to drag you through all that. But it's kind of too late."
"Apparently because you just kidnapped me from the same place that you live at!"
"Bri you don't understand." Bucky walks towards you with his hands up as if he's surrendered.
"That's what they've always told me. I don't understand or I won't be able to. But it's never been explained. That's how everyone in my life has always been. No Bri you can't do this or that you have to sit and listen to the men. Am I not allowed to understand or even know things?"
"No, leave me alone!" You storm out the front door and sit on the edge of the porch and look at the stars.

Sorry this chapter took a little longer to upload I've been having some serious writers block.

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