Chapter 30- Privileges

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You had been stuck in the house with 7 men for over a month now. You had gained privileges like showering by yourself, but someone had to stand at the door and supervise. Which you were fine with.

The men were still using you for their pleasure and that was it. You still got beat and hit almost everyday. You were developing scars in some spots where you would of gotten hit. Blake would still make you wear the shock collar, except at night. When you slept he made you sleep in his bed and he would handcuff one of your hands to the bed frame and place the key where you couldn't reach. You still had to earn your meals. Some days it would be from behaving others you had to pleasure him. Everyday you missed Bucky more and more. All you wanted was to go home.

It had felt like what you were considering to be a normal day. You were woken up to a beating then sex. Your eyes felt heavy from getting beat so badly by all of the men earlier that morning. You were now sitting on the couch with your hands tied behind your back with all the men touching you.
"Hide her!" Blake says running into the room pointing at you. One of the men grabs you and puts you in a closet with him. You hear people come in and start fighting with Blake.

"God damnit where is she?" Someone screams and then it hits you. That someone screaming was Bucky. You tried and moved towards the door. But the guy grabs you by your throat.
"Make any noise and they find out you're in here and I'll make you regret it."
"I told you she left two weeks ago and I haven't seen her since!" Blake yells back.
"She would of never came here on her own free will! She's my daughter and I know her better than that."
Tony! You try your best to move towards the door again. The man grabs your neck even tighter and pulls out a knife and starts tracing it over your body.
"Don't move," he whispers into your ear. He traces down your oversized shirt and cuts it down the middle, revealing your bra. He starts tracing your stomach with it. He moves the knife up to your neck.
"Does this intimidate you princess?" You nod your head yes scared of making any noise. "Words!" He harshly whispers into your ear.
"Yes sir," you say as quietly as possible.
"Good girl." You guys hear the door slam shut and then Blake comes over and opens the closet door.

"You could of gotten us caught you slut!" He harshly slaps you and you fall to your knees. "Do you understand how much trouble that puts you in?"
"Yes master," you didn't but didn't want to hear him say it. He slaps you 10 more times. Each one hurting more than the last. Blake stops hitting you and you just sit there staring at the floor when you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You take a moment to recollect yourself when you realize Blake had kicked you in the stomach as hard as he could. He kept kicking you and you felt more than one person kicking you. At this point you were laying on the ground covering your face when everyone hears a loud bang. You begin to feel light headed when you see someone in red and blue spandex.

"I'm assuming you're Bri," he picks you up and swings out the window. You look back and see Blake lifeless on the living room floor.
"Who are you?" You ask freaking out.
"I'm Peter Parker, Spider-Man. Mr. Stark called and said he needed some help."
"Okay, can we go on the ground now?"
"Gotta get you far from that house first." Peter swings you guys across houses for about 5 minutes when he finally stops. He sets you down and then looks at you. You were wearing a cut up T-shirt with a lace bra and spandex.
"Thank you Peter!" You say trying to distract him from your beaten up body. You wrap your arms around his neck.
"Bri," you turn and see Bucky. Without hesitation you run into his arms. He slowly and gently cups your face with his hands.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you? Because I'll kill the rest of them."
"Bucky! I'm okay," you say through tear filled eyes.
"I'm so sorry Doll. I should of never left you that night. It's okay that you're jumpy it's just ptsd." He looks down at your body and sees all the marks on you from bruises to scratches to cuts to hickeys. "Doll, did they do this to you?" You shake your head yes and start sobbing. Bucky pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. "You're never leaving my sight again."
"Okay," you whisper.
"Tony!" You let go of Bucky and run into his arms.
"Oh my god you're okay," he pulls you away and starts examining your body. "Mostly."
"I'm fine."
"What's on your neck?" He asks pointing to the shock collar.
"Shock collar," you say trying to take it off. Tony carefully helps you take it off.
"So what you're a dog now?" You both laugh.
"That's what I said!"

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