Chapter 29- Gang

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You wake up tied to a bed. The events of the night before still replaying through your head like it just happened. After you had been taken to some house Blake and all of his friends had tied you down and raped you. 7 men ganging up on one innocent girl just for their own pleasure. You were still tied down and two of the men were asleep by you.

If you had tried fighting back in any way you were either slapped or punched. Just thinking about all the pain you were taking from these men made you cry. You felt the tears rolling down your face.

I just want to go home.

Your head jerks when you hear the door open. You see Blake walk in with a small box.
"Good morning princess," he walks over to you and start to undo all of your restraints. The other men in the bed get up and leave you two alone. He opens the box and pulls out a shock collar.
"We're going to be doing a little experiment." He grabs your neck and pulls you closer to him. You whimper from the pain of already being sore from last night. He puts the collar around your neck.
"So I'm a dog now?" You say sarcastically this makes Blake mad and he slaps you.
"Every time you misbehave I'm going to shock you. If you fail to fulfill my needs I'll shock you. If you disrespect me or anyone else I will shock you. So watch your behavior. Let's test it out to see if it works."
"No!" You yelp out from the shocking pain in your neck. You start screaming from the pain.
"Quit screaming the neighbors could hear you." He turns the collar off and leads you out to the kitchen. "Now make us all breakfast."

I don't want to be a slave and right now that's the only thing I am. I wish Bucky never walked out, again. Maybe he would of went on the walk with me to the diner. I miss him so much. I know he would never hit me or hurt me.

You make all of the men eggs, toast, and bacon. You go to eat some yourself when Blake stops you.
"You have to earn that food!" He says smacking your hand.
"But I'm hungry."
"You obviously don't listen when I tell you rules. Rule number 1, you will earn food and showers in whatever way I please. Number 2, you will respond to all of us as sir except I am master. Do you understand."
"Yes," you say looking down at the floor. Blake grabs your chin so you're looking him in the eyes.
"Yes master," he lets go and you look back down at the floor.

Tony's POV*
"Bucky do you know where Bri went last night?" You ask storming into Bucky's room.
"No, why?"
"Well she told me she was going on a walk. And I gave her a special bracelet that gave me her location and she could signal me when she needs help. And she was constantly sending me signals last night but when I went to the location it was just the watch there. And now I have no clue where she is. Her phone is shut off so I can't track it."
"Tony calm down, we'll find her."
"Why didn't you go with her?"
"She thought I was going to hurt her. I can't walk near her without her jumping or flinching. I was really hurt and needed some time to myself."
"Bucky! What did you expect? She was abused for a month. I would have ptsd and be jumpy if I was abused that way too. But you need to give her time to realize that we won't hurt her."
"I know!" He screamed at you. His eyes were completely filled with tears. "We need to find her. Do you have any idea where she could be?"
"You don't think Blake went after her do you?" Your stomach turned at the thought of it.
"If he did I'm going to actually kill him. He could be hurting her right now." You watch as Bucky's jaw tightens at the thought of him hurting her. "I hope she's okay."
"I'll go get the rest of the gang assembled." You run out of Bucky's room to the rest of the team.

Two Lost Minds ^Bucky Barnes Fanfiction^Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora