Chapter 20- Secrets

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You had been back at the facility for about a week. Thor was still acting weird but you didn't care. You were just happy to be back. And your incisions were healing pretty fast.

"Knock knock," Tony says walking into your room. "How's it feel to be back home?"
"Good, we missed you a lot."
"Hey Tony, before I woke up I had this weird dream. I haven't told anyone about it."
"What was it about?"
"I was back with my family. My mom was alive, we were in my grandma's house."
"Ok? Why is it so weird?"
"My grandma's house burnt down. We still don't know who started the fire. My mom died in there. But when I saw her she was still alive, but she had scars all over her face. My dad and brother they kept telling me hail Hydra."
"That is pretty weird," Tony said putting a hand on your shoulder.
"That's not it, my dad was blaming you guys for everything. The fire, my mom and grandma." You feel tears rolling down your face. You didn't think it would be this hard to vent about a dream but it was. You were scared of what Tony thought.

I hope he doesn't think I think my mom's death is his fault now.

Tony sat for a minute trying to comprehend everything you had said.
"Bri, the Avengers weren't together when your mom died," he tried giving you a reassuring smile but you saw right through the lie.
"You, you know about her death?"
"Then how are you saying you weren't together then when I never told you when she died?"
"Bri, I can explain." Tony tried calming you down but at this point you already knew the truth.
"So the dream wasn't a lie? You guys really were there for her death? But if that wasn't a lie then maybe she's still alive?"
"Bri you're being crazy right now. I need you to calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down! You've been lying to me about one of the most important things in my life. I'm still grieving so you don't get to tell me to calm down!" You storm out of your room and try to find somewhere private to go. You decide to go to a separate part of the roof where you couldn't really be seen. You spent what felt like hours crying to yourself, when you see Steve walk out. He slowly walks to you and sits down.
"You know, Bucky killed Tony's parents. Back when he was the Winter Soldier. Hydra needed something from Howard so Bucky ran them off the road and killed them. But I knew and Tony didn't, I kept it a secret. But once Tony found out he almost killed Bucky. Instead he found a way to forgive him and not hate Bucky for it." You just stare at Steve while he was talking. Tears welling in your eyes.
"Tony knows exactly how you feel. He cares for you like a daughter. And he knew if you knew the truth sooner you wouldn't be here with us. He's scared about where you could of been. Hydra could still have you for all we know. Just please don't hate him for it."
"Why were you guys there?" You were beyond hurt and needed the truth.
"Your parents work for Hydra. Your father, a failed experiment which explains his rage and anger issues. They had stuff at your grandmas house that wasn't safe and we tried to get it. But your dad set the house on fire."
"So why'd he blame you guys for my moms death?"
"Bri, your mom isn't dead." Steve said giving you a sad look.
"I don't think your dream you had was completely a dream. I think Hydra may have put something in your mind. They want you to turn against us. Tony was only trying to protect you."
"I just need time, I guess."
"You sure?" Steve felt concerned for you.
"Yeah," you lied. You knew you couldn't bring yourself to tell him the truth. That since you got back your mental health was getting worse. Before running away you had initially planned to kill your self, but your brother had talked you out of it.

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