Chapter 17 - Flutter

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Victoria and Rick made their way out of the building making small talk about their day. Rick was quite inquisitive and by the time they almost reached the restaurant, Victoria filled him in on everything except the Goodnites, intending to keep that a secret. 

"I can't believe your prof literally gave you the exam beforehand." 

"It's not too uncommon... besides he LOVES it when people compliment or praise him for his "generosity".  I hear that if you say his name three times, he'll appear out of thin air." 

"Strauss?" Rick asked.

 "Yeah." She replied.

"Strauss!" He followed up.

"Don't do it. No no no don't do it..."


Victoria put her head down and covered her face with one hand as he screamed his name at the top of his lungs. 

"May I help you?" a voice inquired. Professor Straus walked around the corner. 

"Oh no sir, just sharing her excitement over how informative your class was. She was glad for your exam review." Rick said with a bashful smile.

"Oh, thank you, Miss... Chan. Am I correct? You attend my lecture with Miss Lee. Was she able to attend to her emergency okay?" 

Victoria was surprised that he remembered her name, much less the events of the week prior.

"Yes sir. Everything is okay now." 

"Glad to hear it. Now as much as I enjoy being praised, I will ask that you refrain from screaming my name going forward. If you'll excuse me, I must be on my way to enjoy an evening with my wife." 

"Yes sir, my apologies." Rick said scratching the back of his head. 

They watched the professor walk away expectantly. Once he was out of earshot they burst into laughter.

"I told you not to do it! Why'd you summon him?" Victoria was gasping for air.

"I thought you were kidding! You didn't tell me your professor was Beetlejuice?" Rick said between breaths.

Victoria laughed even harder, this time bent over holding herself. "Stop it, you're going to make peeeee!"

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." 

She stood back up and the two let out a large sigh. Their eyes made contact before letting out a light chuckle. They made their way to the restaurant and were seated immediately. 

"I'll be right back." Victoria grabbed her purse and made her way to the washroom. 

Once inside she entered a stall and lifted her dress to check her shorts and panties. Fortunately the shorts were dry, though there was a damp patch on her panties from the laughing fit earlier. Since it was fairly small she tried to absorb what she could with toilet paper and paid it no mind. She emptied her bladder, washed her hands, and returned to the table. 

The rest of their dinner went well. They opted to share dishes and a pint of beer. They talked about their interests and hobbies and shows that they've binged. Throughout their meal they ordered interesting cocktails they've never tried, and shared their new experiences with each other.  They eventually talked about Steph and Jason and their suspicion of that they might get back together. Victoria gave Rick her perspective on their history. The date continued and after two hours went by, they had finished their beer, debating a second one or a pitcher. "So... we talked about Steph and Jason, tell me a bit more about you?"

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