Jīn Guāngyáo x Wife, Niè dying Reader Part 2

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This is requested by Dracomalfoy105 

Warning: Angst, very bad writing (To be honest I'm very disappointed in myself on how this turned out especially the ending.) I also used the novel version of Jīn Guāngyáo's death so it might be different from the cdrama.

"Sect Leader Nié! Sect Leader Nié!" shouted m/n.

"Nié M/n? Why are you running so fast? Is jiě jiě here?" asked Niè Huáisāng.

As Nié M/n handed the jiǎndú* to Niè Huáisāng, tears were rolling down her face. "I'm sorry, Sect Leader Nié. I have failed you, I broke my promise to protect my lady. Please punish me!" pleaded m/n. Niè Huáisāng told the girl to get up and dry her tears so she can explain everything to him.

"My lady told me to give you this, but she never told me why. All she instructed me to do was that I give this to you. After I left my lady's chambers, Sect Leader Jīn and his nephew had arrived." As Niè Huáisāng listened to her, he unfold the jiǎndú.

Niè Huáisāng,

You were right for suspecting Ā-Yáo for dà-gē's death. I'm sorry for not believing you, I thought Ā-Yáo would never do a thing like this but turns out I was wrong. Ā-Yáo used to be very kind and gentle when we first met, but he's no longer the same Ā-Yáo, I fallen in love with. When you first told me that you had suspected Ā-Yáo to have killed dà-gē, I didn't believe you because I truly thought he would never do that. But, Ā-Yáo had started to become very secretive and would start hiding things from me. At first, I thought it was nothing but then I noticed he would always do things in private. So I started to follow him one day, he then went into the treasure chamber and I hided behind the bookshelf. I was shock and horrified by what I saw. Our elder brother's head was behind a curtain. Unfortunately Ā-Yáo had noticed that I followed him. After I left the treasure chamber, I started getting sick and my health was deteriorating, being the kind husband I thought Ā-Yáo was. He gave me some type of strange liquid and called it soup. When I drank it, it had a very bitter and sour taste, and it tasted quite off. I thought it was nothing and I was just worrying for no reason, but my health then started to get even worst. I started coughing and throwing up blood, and my forehead would start feeling very hot and warm. That's when I realised that my beloved husband had intended to kill me. I'm sorry for not believing you, please forgive me.

Once he read his sister's confession letter, he was shocked and tears started to form in his eyes. The person he trusted the most had betrayed and lied to him. What happened to the Ā-Yáo he used to know?

Niè Huáisāng was determined to bring Wèi Wúxiàn back to life. He studied every night, and tried to find a way to bring the demonic cultivator back to life. When he finally found a solution, it required something else. It wasn't impossible but it required a sacrificial ritual. He knew just the person to help him, it was the illegitimate child of the previous sect leader of the Jīn clan.

Mò Xuányǔ was illegitimate child of Jīn Guāngshàn, his mother was the second lady of the Mò clan. When Mò Xuányǔ was accused of harassing the other illegitimate child of Jīn Guāngshàn, he was banished to the Mò clan for his homosexuality.

When Niè Huáisāng finally founded Mò Xuányǔ, he persuaded him and told him about his plan about getting revenge on Jīn Guāngyáo and the Mò family. Mò Xuányǔ needed to perform the sacrificial ritual in order to bring Wèi Wúxiàn back to life, which will bring Wèi Wúxiàn's soul to his body. Once the ritual was completed, Niè Huáisāng threw the left arm from his brother's body into the Mò village, so that he could get revenge on the Mò family.


"Ā-Yáo, when you said Lady Jīn died because of an illness. Was that you who poisoned her?" asked Lán Xīchén.

"Èr gē, why would you ask a thing? Why would I kill y/n, when I loved her with all my heart."

"If you didn't kill her, then how can you explain this?!" asked Niè Huáisāng as he showed everyone the confession letter his sister sent him when she was dying. "Why? Why did you kill jiě jiě? She loved you and you promised to protect her, but you broke it."

"Niè Huáisāng, I truly did love her but she knew too much and she had to go." cried Jīn Guāngyáo.

"If you really loved her, you wouldn't have killed her!" shouted Lán Xīchén.

"Èr gē, what was I supposed to do? Let her expose me and then get me killed."

"You didn't need to kill her! She was the one that always supported you and she even betrayed her own brother to be with you! You could've locked her up or punished her but you didn't needed to kill her!"

"If I locked her up, she would've turned out to be like Lán-fūrén. If I punished her, what good will it bring?"

"Ā-Yáo!" shouted Lán Xīchén and then he slapped Jīn Guāngyáo's face.

"Niè Huáisāng, all these years that I spent with y/n. I did loved her and I did felt guilty for killing her but I don't regret anything."

"You bastard child!"

"Niè Huáisāng, let me ask you a question. Why is it fair that all the Niè siblings get treated well when in reality they are all half siblings. But unlike me I was left in the dust."

"Even if you were treated badly, that doesn't excuse what you did to Jīn Zixuān and Madam Jīn" Lán Xīchén calmly said.

"If I could turn back time, I wouldn't because I don't regret anything not even murdering my own wife and brother."


Jīn Guāngyáo pushed Lán Xīchén away from him and then he was later dragged by Niè Míngjué to the coffin. Jīn Guāngyáo used his only hand to pull him away from Niè Míngjué palm. Jīn Guāngyáo was choking and blood was dripping out of his mouth. During his last moments, he thought of the memories he cherished with Niè y/n.

Everyday Jīn Guāngyáo was abused and cultivators would call him "bastard child" or "son of a wh*re".

"Ā-Yáo, don't listen to what other people say about you." Niè y/n whispered to him and patted his head. "You do mean something, you are worth more then you know."

"I know it hurts, Ā-Yáo. But don't give up."

Niè y/n was the only person that believed in Jīn Guāngyáo. She knew that he would do great things one day and she was right.

Everytime when Jīn Guāngyáo served people, other cultivators were afraid that it wasn't clean since he was the son of the prostit*te but Niè y/n was always polite to him and she would drink the tea that was served to her.

"Ā-Yáo, I like you." Niè y/n said.

"I like you too." replied Jīn Guāngyáo.

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