Lan Wangji x Maid!Female!Reader part 3

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Y/n's heart was a swirl of conflicting emotions. The memory of that night, when she had left Lan Wangji after a forbidden gesture, weighed heavily on her conscience. The guilt that gnawed at her was a reminder of the boundary she had crossed, a boundary that was fortified by centuries of tradition and societal expectations.

Yet, even amidst her remorse, one question echoed persistently in her mind: Why hadn't he stopped her? The fact that Lan Wangji had allowed her to proceed with removing his forehead ribbon perplexed her. He was not her cultivation partner, nor was he family. The implications of his action were layered, a puzzle she couldn't solve.

The uncertainty she felt was a constant companion, a shadow that clouded her thoughts. She had sensed a connection between them, a shared understanding that defied explanation. But her own feelings, the tangle of emotions she couldn't fully comprehend, had prompted her to withdraw.

Avoidance became her strategy, a way to shield herself from the complexity of her emotions and the unspoken tension that had arisen between them. She limited her interactions with Lan Wangji, reserving them for emergencies, for moments when she had no choice but to acknowledge his presence.

In her heart, she understood that the distance she was putting between them was a means of self-preservation. The uncharted territory of their emotions was both alluring and terrifying, a maze she was hesitant to enter. Her guilt, her confusion, and her own burgeoning feelings were threads that wove an intricate pattern within her, shaping her actions and decisions.

As the days passed, the ache of their disconnectedness weighed on her. The moments of shared camaraderie, the laughter and the genuine companionship, had been replaced by a gulf of silence. And yet, despite her attempts to distance herself, the memory of his gaze, the depth of his eyes that seemed to hold secrets and promises, continued to haunt her.

Unable to find solace in slumber, y/n had ventured into Lan Wangji's chambers, the surroundings were as immaculate as she had come to expect, a testament to his meticulous nature, yet the evidence of his disarray was also apparent.

Lan Wangji himself seemed a reflection of the room's contrast. His appearance was marked by an uncharacteristic dishevelment, the usually pristine forehead ribbon now slightly wrinkly. His hanfu bearing wrinkles that seemed out of place on his dignified form. His very presence carried an air of turmoil that contradicted the orderliness of the room.

As y/n's gaze met his, a tension seemed to fill the space between them. Their eyes locked, two individuals who had been navigating a labyrinth of emotions, unsure of where the path might lead. The silence was palpable, a mirror to the unspoken questions and unfulfilled desires that had been left unresolved.

Each of them held a mirror to the other's confusion. Lan Wangji, with his furrowed brows and searching gaze, was a reflection of the bewilderment that had taken root within him. Why had y/n chosen to distance herself? The question echoed like a haunting melody, its notes filled with longing and uncertainty.

Y/n's gaze, though equally perplexed, was a window into her own internal struggle. The emotions that had led her to keep her distance were a tumultuous sea within her, a maelstrom of guilt, longing, and the unspoken acknowledgment of their shared connection.

As their eyes held the other's gaze, a strange sort of understanding seemed to pass between them. Their emotions, though complex and conflicting, were shared. In this silent exchange, they offered each other a glimpse into their hearts, a fleeting moment of vulnerability that transcended words.

"Why are you up this late?" His voice, a gentle ripple in the silence, cut through the tension that had enveloped them. The question hung in the air like a fragile thread, connecting them in the midst of their shared uncertainty.

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