Ouyang Zizhen x Jin!Female!Reader

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GIF by ctl-yuejie

Thank you so much for requesting! seungminiq

OUYANG ZIZHEN IS A WHOLESOME BOY, HOW CAN ANYONE HATE HIM. Also he's too underrated for his own good, and he get's left out alot by so many readers.😭

Y/N found solace in the quiet moments, the serenity of reading a scroll while the world around her buzzed with life. As she immersed herself in the words on the page, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips, her heart lightened by the knowledge that she was expanding her horizons.

Jin Ling's voice cut through her concentration, a playful plea that pulled her attention away from the scroll. She looked up to see him playing with Fairy, the mischievous glint in his eyes evident even from a distance. "A-Y/N! Come play with me and Fairy," he urged, his voice carrying a touch of excitement.

She sighed softly, her reluctance to break from her current pursuit evident. "I'd rather not," she replied, her gaze returning to the scroll as she tried to lose herself in its contents once more.

Jin Ling's pout was unmistakable, his disappointment at her refusal clear. "But you've been reading that boring, old scroll all day," he protested, a hint of whining in his voice. "Come play with your older cousin."

Y/N's response was gentle yet firm, her priorities clear in her words. "Fairy seems to entertain herself, and besides, it's way too hot to be playing in the sun," she explained, her desire to stay in the shade and indulge in her scholarly pursuits evident.

As she headed back inside, the quiet huff of frustration from Jin Ling reached her ears. She couldn't help but smile to herself, knowing that his youthful enthusiasm was something to be cherished. Yet, his next words carried a hint of annoyance that caught her off guard.

"Fairy, ignore her. She's way too absorbed in her own world. No man is going to marry someone like that," Jin Ling muttered under his breath, his words tinged with a mixture of exasperation and jest.

"A-LING!" she shouted. "I'll teach you something,"

She then grabbed her shoe and then began to chase after Jin Ling as he began to run around outside and shouted "sorry," to her

The tension in the air from Jin Ling's comment dissipated in an instant as Y/N's playful determination took over. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she decided to seize the opportunity to show Jin Ling that there was more to her than her scholarly pursuits.

"A-LING!" Her voice was firm, but there was a playful undertone that hinted at her intentions. "I'll teach you something," she declared, her voice carrying a challenge that was impossible to resist.

Without further ado, she grabbed her shoe and leaped into action. The sudden change in atmosphere caught Jin Ling off guard, his eyes widening in surprise as Y/N took off after him. A burst of laughter escaped his lips as he scrambled to his feet, his initial protest morphing into a contagious excitement.

Jin Ling's feet carried him swiftly across the sun-dappled grounds, Y/N hot on his heels. With each step, the tension that had lingered earlier gave way to a carefree energy that enveloped them both. The warm sun and the rustling of leaves added to the exhilarating chase, transforming the moment into one of unadulterated joy.

Around corners, through open spaces, and under the shade of trees, the chase continued. Jin Ling's laughter became a melody that echoed in the air, a testament to the power of shared moments that transcended expectations.

Finally, with a burst of energy, Y/N managed to catch up to Jin Ling. Her laughter mingled with his as she playfully tapped his shoulder with her shoe. "Got you!" she exclaimed triumphantly, her breath coming in short, exhilarated gasps.

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