Nie Mingjue x Wife! Female Reader (arranged marriage au) Part 1

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Based off my arranged marriage headcanon au of Nie Mingjue x Reader (but of course can be read as a standalone oneshot)

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Thank you so much  Lolaball2 for requesting!

Y/n found herself entangled in a complex web of emotions, navigating the delicate line between what seemed like a burgeoning connection and the perplexing notion of love itself. Her interactions with Nie Mingjue, marked by moments of fiery defense and mutual understanding, stirred something unfamiliar within her.

The nights often proved to be the battleground for her racing thoughts, leaving her drained and fatigued, robbed of precious sleep. In those restless hours, she would steal glances at Nie Mingjue, observing him in moments of slumber, seeking solace or perhaps some semblance of answers in his peaceful repose. Yet, there were nights when his absence from their shared chambers left her grappling with a void, a sense of disquiet lingering in the air.

The concept of love remained an enigmatic puzzle for Y/n, a notion shrouded in confusion and uncertainty. Her upbringing, scarred by the tragic fallout of her parents' love, painted a grim portrait of affection that descended into obsession and imprisonment, ultimately ending in sorrow and isolation. Witnessing her father's descent into obsession and her mother's tragic fate, she harbored a wariness toward the emotional entanglements that often accompanied the notion of love. 

For Y/n, the idea of marriage appeared as more of a contractual obligation, a predetermined alliance that she was expected to fulfill as Nie Mingjue's prospective wife. The weight of these expectations hung heavy upon her, entwined with the tangled emotions stirring within her heart.

"Huaisang, what's wrong?" Y/n's voice held a soothing tone as she comforted the whimpering younger brother figure. However, the barrier between her and Nie Mingjue remained palpable, a symbol of the discord and misunderstanding that lingered between them.

"You're like a brother I never had, A-Sang," she affirmed, her voice a mix of tenderness and concern, "but there will be times when you must stand up for yourself."

Her hesitance reflected the weight of her concern. "I can't always be there to shield you. What if circumstances change, and neither I nor Nie Mingjue can protect you anymore? He only wants what's best for you, preparing you for the responsibilities of leading our clan if something were to happen to him."

"But what about Lan Xichen?" Nie Huaisang countered with a hint of hope.

Y/n's chuckle carried a note of affection. "You can't rely solely on him either, dear. He has his own clan to tend to."

Seeing the disappointment in Nie Huaisang's eyes, Y/n relented, promising to speak with Nie Mingjue on his behalf. Yet, she emphasized the importance of Nie Huaisang learning to assert himself.

As Nie Mingjue's thunderous voice reverberated through the air, Nie Huaisang instinctively flinched, his anxiety palpable as he scrambled to flee from his older brother's approach. Nie Mingjue's stern and forceful demeanor only intensified the fear that gripped the younger Nie brother, propelling him into evasive action.

With determined strides, Nie Mingjue pursued Nie Huaisang, his voice echoing with frustration and concern. The distance between them widened as the younger brother darted away, driven by a mixture of fear and a desire to evade his brother's reprimand.


As night settled in, Y/n found herself lost in contemplation, the events of the day swirling in her mind like an unceasing tempest. The conflict between Nie Mingjue's unwavering pursuit of what he deemed best for his younger brother and Y/n's concern for the toll it exacted on Nie Huaisang lingered heavily in her thoughts.

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