Jin Zixuan x Female! Reader x Wei Wuxian

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GIF by seirainseven on tenor

Thank you so much for requesting @Aelsher_-

The atmosphere crackled with tension, a palpable sense of danger clinging to every heartbeat. Y/N's once-vibrant eyes now bore a vacant, sinister gleam, a telltale sign that she was no longer in control of her own faculties. As if driven by a malevolent force, she was a vessel for the darkness that had taken root within her.

"A-Y/N!" Jin Zixuan's voice carried a desperate urgency, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached out to her. His touch was an attempt to bridge the gap that had suddenly emerged between them.

"Don't worry, it's me!" he pleaded, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and hope. His words were a desperate attempt to reach the Y/N he had known, the woman whose love and strength had once illuminated their lives.

But her response was immediate and visceral. "Get away from me!" her voice was a harsh, guttural command, a chilling proclamation that warned of the perilous state she was in. Her fingers twitched as if poised to strike, her very presence radiating danger.

"I'll hurt you," her words carried the weight of a tragic truth, the admission that she was no longer in command of her actions, that the demonic energy that had possessed her threatened to bring harm to those she cared about.

Jin Zixuan's eyes bore into hers, his gaze unwavering as he fought against the instinct to retreat. "I know deep inside, you can control it," his voice was a tender plea, a testament to the unwavering faith he held in the bonds they shared.

His steps were cautious, each one a testament to his determination to stand by her side even in the face of the darkness that consumed her. "Stay away from me!" Y/N's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and desperation, her struggle evident as she fought against the malevolent forces that sought to manipulate her.

In an instant, her body moved of its own accord, her actions betraying the turmoil within. A cry of anguish escaped Jin Zixuan's lips as the unexpected pain radiated from where she had struck him. Her eyes widened, a brief glimmer of recognition breaking through the abyss that had clouded her consciousness.

"A-Xuan!" Her voice held a note of sorrow, a fleeting moment of clarity that seemed to transcend the darkness that gripped her. "I'm sorry," her words were a fragile confession, a remorseful admission of the harm she had unintentionally inflicted upon him.

Yet, in a heartbreaking twist, she pushed him away, her hands shoving him out of the room with a force that spoke of her internal struggle. The door swung shut with a finality that seemed to reverberate through the room, the barrier serving as both a protection for him and a barrier against the danger she posed to the outside world.

Inside the confines of the room, Y/N stood alone, the echoes of her actions haunting the silence that enveloped her. She was a prisoner within her own body, a battleground where her will fought against the malevolent forces that sought to control her.

The days dragged on, each one a blur of isolation and inner turmoil for Y/N. Her confinement within the chamber felt like a prison, not just of physical space, but of the internal struggle that raged within her. The whispers and voices persisted, their insidious urging a constant reminder of the power that lay just beyond her grasp. Yet, Y/N knew that yielding to that power meant surrendering control, and in the depths of her heart, she clung to the fragment of her own will that remained.

Voices beckoned her, promising strength and dominance, but they were laced with the undeniable truth that such strength would come at the cost of her own identity. To wield that power would be to sacrifice her very essence, to become a puppet to the malevolence that sought to entice her. In the midst of the struggle, she wrestled with the echoes of her past, the memories of love and happiness that she was determined not to relinquish.

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