Lan Wangji x Female reader Hanahaki au

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Thank you so much for requesting @Aelsher_-

(This ended up being more angst, then how I originally planned. But there's a happy ending  and this was very fun to create hehe).

The Hanahaki is a fictional disease, in East Asian cultures where the victim coughs up flower petals, after they suffer a fate of unrequited love.

Petals drifted from her lips like confessions never spoken, delicate and heartrending. Hanahaki, they named it, a cruel symphony of love and suffering. The room held a sense of solemnity as the petals tumbled from her mouth, each one a testament to a love she had kept locked away.

In the sanctuary of her room, moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a ghostly glow on the scattered petals that adorned the floor. The scent of plum blossoms hung heavy, mingling with the memories she held close to her heart.

From a distance, she had watched him, Lan Wangji. A figure of ethereal grace and unwavering discipline. His mere presence radiated tranquility, like a moonlit night on a calm lake. Yet beneath that stoic exterior, emotions stirred, evident in the blossoms that fell from her lips.

Lan Wangji, a name that evoked reverence and longing. His dedication to the ways of the Gusu Lan sect was unyielding, but his eyes held secret emotions hidden behind the façade. The petals, a manifestation of her feelings, seemed to bridge the gap between their unspoken connection.

The moon cast its silvery light upon the courtyard, revealing his silhouette as he moved gracefully among the shadows. Lan Wangji, a master of the guqin, moved with an elegance that matched the melodies he played. Their eyes met through the window, a shared moment of unspoken understanding in the moon's gentle embrace.

Y/n found herself yearning for a deeper connection. Her heart craved his affection, his companionship. Why did fate play such a cruel hand? She had meticulously followed the thousands of rules of the sect, and treated everyone with unwavering politeness. Yet, amidst all her efforts, the one thing that remained elusive was him.

As they locked eyes in the midst of reality, y/n moved to dispel the tension, drawing the curtains closed. A weight settled in her chest, her breath quickening in unmanageable spirals. Her heart raced, an unsettling nausea consuming her. And then, as if an unrelenting echo, she vomited those enchanting yet poisonous plum blossoms. Coughs followed in rapid succession, until blood stained her cloth, a grim testament to her condition.

Y/n sought out the healers, desperation evident in her eyes, but even their wisdom couldn't unearth a solution to her affliction. Hanahaki was a rarity of a rarity—an ancient ailment with a mere 0.1% chance of occurrence. Her determination, however, remained unshaken, her resolve stronger than ever. To face this silent adversary, she chose a path of avoidance, steering clear of Lan Wangji with every ounce of her being.

"Xiao Mei!" Wei Wuxian's cheer rang out as y/n crossed paths with him.

"Wei er-gongzi!" Y/n's greeting was accompanied by a warm smile as they drew closer to each other.

"Don't be so formal!" Wei Wuxian playfully scolded, his tone light. "Remember, we're friends."

"Of course," y/n replied, chuckling softly. She covered her mouth suddenly, a fit of rapid, harsh coughs overtaking her.

"Are you all right?" Wei Wuxian's concern was evident as he reached out to touch her face, checking for any signs of distress.

Y/n managed a reassuring smile, though her coughing had left her a bit breathless. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice still carrying a touch of hoarseness.

Wei Wuxian's hand lingered on her face, his brow furrowed with worry. He gently assessed her temperature, finding it oddly normal despite her recent coughing fit.

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