Jiāng Chéng x Female Reader

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Warning:  Angst, mentions of blood. 

"Jiě jiě!*" cried Jiāng y/n.

"Xiàn! Xiàn!"



"Wèi Wúxiàn, make that disappear!" cried Jiāng Chéng.

"Jiě jiě, behind you!" Jiāng y/n hurried over and she pushed Jiāng Yànlí out of the way, from her getting hurt by the puppet.

"Meì meì*" whispered Jiāng Yànlí.

"Jiě jiě!" cried Wèi Wúxiàn.

As Jiāng y/n pushed Jiāng Yànlí out of the way, she got slashed by the puppet. Then blood came out of her mouth.

"Ahhh!" screamed Jiāng y/n.

"Y/N!" shouted Jiāng Chéng. 

Wèi Wúxiàn hurried over to Jiāng y/n and Jiāng Yànlí. But he was stopped by Lán Wàngjī.

"Wèi Yīng. Stop your puppets! STOP THEM!" shouted Lán Wàngjī.

"Y/N, don't leave me! d/n* needs her mother! I need you!". 

"Jiě jiě!".

Wèi Wúxiàn ignored Lán Wàngjī and made his way over to y/n but Jiāng Chéng pushed him.

"You said you could control them. Why is my wife dying!?" shouted Jiāng Chéng.

"It's not me! I don't know. I didn't make them kill people! Why can't I control them? I lost control of it!"

"Don't move, you'll bleed harder and you'll add more pressure to the wound". Jiāng Chéng said.

"You foolish, silly girl. Why did you push me?" sighed Jiāng Yànlí.

"Jīn Líng already lost his dad, he couldn't lose you too. I'm sorry Jiě jiě." y/n said. "It's only a wound, please don't worry about me.

"I don't know why they aren't under my control. Why can't I control them?" cried Wèi Wúxiàn.

"Wèi Yīng please don't blame yourself. It's only a wound." coughed Jiāng y/n.

"y/n please rest." said Jiāng Chéng.

"It's only a wound, it's not the end of the world. Please don't worry about me" coughed  Jiāng y/n as blood came out of her mouth.

"y/n, your body is getting colder you must rest!" Jiāng Yànlí said.

"Jiě jiě please don't worry about me. Wèi Yīng?". 

"Yes, Jiě jiě?". 

"Can you promise me that you would go back and be the once innocent, mischevious Wèi Yīng you once were. Back then you were that scared boy I knew. You were such as innocent boy, and I wish I was there for you when you needed my help. And Jiāng Chéng?"

"Yes, y/n?"

"Please tell our daughter that I love her, and that I never meant any of this to happened. Please don't blame Wèi Yīng, this is my choice and my fate. So I must pay the price."

"No, this isn't the end. Our daughter needs you! I need you!"

"Please don't give up on life when I die, our daughter needs you, and Yànlí will be there to take care of you.  Please can you promise me that?"


"And I want to tell you for the last time that I..."Jiāng y/n paused when she saw a cultivator standing up and preparing to kill Wèi Wúxiàn. She pushed Wèi Wúxiàn out of the way.

Everyones face was in shock especially Jiāng Chéng.

"Jiāng y/n!" screamed Jiāng Chéng.

"No I didn't mean to kill her! No, it was meant for Wèi Wúxiàn. I was going to avenged my brother. She threw herself on the sword!" yelled the cultivator.

"Jiāng y/n? Wake up, please wake up! I can't live without you!" cried Jiāng Chéng.

"Jiě jiě, I'm sorry." whispered Wèi Wúxiàn.

"Wèi Wúxiàn, it's you who got her killed! It's none of my business! It wasn't me! It was you!." yelled the cultivator.

This was the last straw for Wèi Wúxiàn.  He turned around and grabbed the man by the throat and choked him to death. 

"You naive girl, why did you do this? Why?". whispered Jiāng Yànlí.

"Why did you do this? How am I going to explain to d/n about what happened to her mother?" 

The worst part was that  Jiāng Chéng never got to hear Jiāng y/n last words. But he knew what she was going to say, and he repeated the same words to her.

 "Wǒ ài nǐ, y/n." 


Jiě jiě = Means elder sister, it doesn't always have to be said to your older sister. It can be said to a friend who is like a sister to you.

Meì meì = Younger sister

d/n =  Daughter's name

Wǒ ài nǐ = I love you

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