Lan Wangji x Maid!Female!Reader part 1

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Thank you to the anonymous that sent the request (Tumblr), but since the request is very long. I will have to divide it into  3 or 4 parts. Considering that it's very long and also there's a couple scenes like smut, that some readers may not be comfortable reading. 

From the earliest days of y/n's life, a sense of unrelenting hardship took root, as she navigated a world that was harsh and unforgiving. Abandoned to the streets with neither family nor means, she fell into the hands of a family that offered shelter, but at a cost that was far from kind. This supposed refuge, unfortunately, evolved into a crucible of cruelty that shaped her formative years.

Optimism, naive yet persistent, had once painted this family as her potential saviors, a way out of the torment she had known. Yet, the stark reality unfolded with a grim contrast. Instead of the sanctuary she yearned for, she became a target for their frustrations and anger. Mistakes, no matter how minor, ignited storms of abuse that rained down upon her fragile shoulders.

Her daily life became an endless cycle of servitude. Cooking and cleaning were the tasks she was relegated to, her hands worn from the labor that sustained the very family that ought to have nurtured and protected her. But instead of gratitude, they rewarded her dedication with disrespect, dehumanizing her by spitting on her, a poignant reminder of her status as the lowest rung in their household.

Time went by, and the cruelty only intensified. The shadows of her circumstances grew darker, blotting out any semblance of hope that dared to flicker within her. The family's satisfaction seemed to derive from her suffering, twisting her dreams into nightmares she couldn't escape.

And then, when their need for her waned, they made a callous decision that would forever alter her fate. Selling her, as if she were mere chattel, became their solution to an inconvenience they no longer wished to tolerate. To a neighboring clan hungry for power and willing to pay, y/n was a transaction, a cruel exchange of money for a life.

In the face of life's unrelenting challenges, y/n remained resolute and unyielding. Despite the difficulties that surrounded her, she refused to surrender to adversity. Over time, her indomitable spirit led her to forge meaningful connections with the fellow maids and servants who, like her, dedicated their lives to serving the illustrious Xiao family. Through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of their circumstances, the bonds of friendship blossomed, offering solace and camaraderie in a world that often seemed harsh and unforgiving.

Yet, as the hands of fate would have it, echoes of history began to resurface. Just when y/n believed she had found her place amidst the companionship of kindred spirits, an unexpected twist emerged. Rumors spread, whispered in hushed tones among the manors' inhabitants, conveying a revelation that cast a shadow over the newfound harmony y/n had cultivated. It was decided that y/n would be entrusted as a gift to the revered Gusu Lan Clan, an act motivated by a deep sense of gratitude.

The Gusu Lan Clan, renowned for their steadfast support of the small clan to which y/n had belonged, offered her presence as a token of appreciation. It was a gesture meant to convey not only the Xiao family's acknowledgment of the Gusu Lan Clan's assistance but also their genuine desire to strengthen the ties between their clans.

Prior to y/n's entrance into Gusu as Lan Wangji's maid, a myriad of rumors had reached her ears, painting a multifaceted portrait of the enigmatic man. Whispers echoed about his piercing gaze, capable of peering into the depths of one's soul, and tales circulated of his unwavering adherence to rules and decorum, lending an air of unwavering obedience to his presence, seemingly mirroring the very essence of Lan Qiren.

However, as y/n stepped into her role and began to interact with Lan Wangji on a more intimate level, she found that reality diverged from these conjectures. The man who stood before her was not a mere embodiment of rumors; he was a complex individual with layers that extended far beyond the whispers of gossip. Yes, there existed an initial distance between them, a consequence of his accustomed solitude, yet this did not deter her from pursuing a genuine connection.

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