Wei Wuxian x female lan reader

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Thank you so much for requesting @Aelsher_-

Wei Wuxian's heart was a battlefield of conflicting emotions, each sentiment warring against the other. Amidst the backdrop of their shared world, he found himself ensnared by a web of misconceptions and misgivings.

In the midst of bustling days at the Cloud Recesses, he often found himself stealing glances at her. Lan Y/n, a presence that both soothed and agitated his heart, and was a force he couldn't ignore. Their paths crossed often, her laughter echoing like chimes in his ears. Yet, with each joyful interaction he witnessed between her and Jiang Cheng, a shadow of doubt cast itself over his feelings.

Amidst the intricate dance of emotions, Lan Y/n's voice cut through the tension like a calming breeze. "A-cheng," she spoke gently, her words an attempt to soothe the unease that had taken root. "Don't be silly."

Jiang Cheng's response, unyielding and fervent, shattered the silence with its boldness. "Wei Wuxian doesn't deserve you," he declared, his words resounding with a conviction that brooked no argument. "He's too busy chasing around Lan Wangji."

Lan Y/n's laughter, like a soft melody, echoed through the air. "Lan Wangji is my brother," she explained, her tone laced with amusement. "It's only natural that they spend time together."

But Jiang Cheng wasn't swayed, his voice rising as he continued to press his point. "See?" His exasperation was palpable, his frustration echoing through the space. "You're too good for him."

For Wei Wuxian, the exchange was a whirlwind of emotions, his heart a canvas splattered with colors of uncertainty and understanding. He listened as Lan Y/n's voice wavered, her hesitation a reflection of the complexity of the situation. "A-cheng, I'm flattered," she admitted, her words laced with both gratitude and uncertainty. "But this is inappropriate behavior. I'm with A-xian now. It's time for you to accept that."

"If you'd only give me a chance," Jiang Cheng's voice was laced with a mixture of desperation and longing, his words hanging in the air like a plea. In a moment fueled by his emotions, he leaned in, attempting to bridge the distance between them with a kiss. But Y/n's instincts kicked in, and with a resolute push, she managed to create a space between them, halting his advances. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, a silent boundary that held within it her unwavering stance.

As the echoes of their interaction reverberated, Y/n's gaze darted, her heart seizing as she caught sight of Wei Wuxian turning to leave. "A-xian!" she called out, her voice a mixture of desperation and urgency. "Wait! What you saw was a complete misunderstanding!"

But his form continued to recede, each step carrying him away from her, and her words seemed to dissipate into the air, unheard by the retreating figure.

"A-y/n," Wei Wuxian's voice was gentle yet resolute, his words carrying a weight that held a spectrum of emotions. "I've seen the ways you guys interact with each other. You don't need to hide it."

His statement hung in the air, the truth of it echoing in the space between them. Y/n's heart ached at the apparent inevitability of his conclusion, the misunderstanding solidifying into a perception that cast shadows over her truth.

With a voice choked by emotion, she sought to break through the barriers that had emerged. "But A-xian," her voice trembled, the words carrying the depth of her feelings, "I love you! Why won't you believe me?"

Tears glistened in her eyes, emotions raw and unfiltered as they overflowed. Her heart laid bare, her words carried the weight of her vulnerability, a plea to be heard, understood, and believed. In that moment, the connection between them seemed to hang in the balance, the threads of their shared story stretched to their limits, waiting for a resolution that could bridge the gaps of misunderstanding and reveal the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.

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