Lan Xichen x Demonic Cultivator!Female!Reader

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Thank you for SilentDana9989 requesting! Sorry this was really delayed, because I had my yearly's so I didn't have time to write. But now i'm back. ❤️

Amidst the hundreds of rumors, legends, and half-truths that wove through the land, the narrative of Wei Wuxian's role in the emergence of demonic cultivation stood as a central thread. The story had been told and retold, generations passing down the tale of how a brilliant cultivator had ventured into forbidden territory, experimenting with dark and forbidden arts that had forever altered the course of cultivation history.

But there were whispers, hidden away in the shadows, that questioned the veracity of the widely accepted account. The notion that Wei Wuxian, a figure both revered and reviled, had single-handedly birthed demonic cultivation seemed almost too simplistic, too neat. Those who delved deeper into history, into the intricacies of the past, began to uncover a more nuanced truth.

While Wei Wuxian undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the rise of demonic cultivation, it was becoming increasingly apparent that he might not have been its true originator. Hints and fragments of evidence suggested that the roots of this forbidden art might stretch back farther than his time. Ancient texts and long-forgotten records hinted at practices that predated even his existence.

In the annals of history, the moment Wei Wuxian was cast into the burial mounds by Wen Chao marked a turning point that would resonate through the ages. The tale that had been etched into the collective consciousness depicted Wei Wuxian as the creator of demonic cultivation, his descent into darkness setting the stage for the rise of an arcane art that would shape the very foundation of the cultivation world.

Yet, in the shadows of these widely circulated accounts, there existed a whisper of a different story, a tale that dared to challenge the established narrative. What if the truth wasn't as straightforward as it seemed? What if Wei Wuxian's transformation into a demonic cultivator was not solely his own doing, but rather the result of a convergence of forces, a destiny woven by the hands of fate and the guiding influence of another?

In the midst of his tumultuous journey through the abyss of demonic forces, Wei Wuxian found himself navigating a treacherous path that seemed to swallow him further into the darkness. The power he sought to harness, the very essence of demonic cultivation, threatened to consume him, its malevolent energy like a tempest that raged within him.

It was during one of his most harrowing moments that a presence emerged from the shadows – L/N Y/N, a figure cloaked in enigma, a wielder of both mystery and power. With eyes that held the wisdom of ages, Y/N saw beyond the turmoil that plagued Wei Wuxian. She recognized the desperate need that consumed him, the struggle to control the very forces he had dared to tap into.

Y/N saw potential where others might have seen only danger. In the midst of darkness, she discerned a flicker of something more, a spark that could be nurtured into a guiding light. With a determination born from a deeper understanding, she approached Wei Wuxian, offering a proposition that would change the trajectory of both their fates.

"Consider me as your savior," her words were a whisper that resonated with an offer both unexpected and profound. Y/N extended her hand, her eyes holding the weight of centuries' worth of knowledge. She knew that the journey Wei Wuxian was on was fraught with peril, that the energies he sought to master could easily consume him. Yet, she also believed that within him lay the potential for something greater, a transformation that could redefine the very essence of demonic cultivation.

Wei Wuxian's gaze met hers, a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity in his eyes. He saw in Y/N a teacher, a guide through the labyrinthine depths of the path he had chosen. He saw an opportunity to gain control over the energies that threatened to overwhelm him, to find purpose amidst the chaos.

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