Juniors x Big Brother! Male Reader (platonic)

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In the aftermath of Xue Yang's brutal attack and the onset of the sinister corpse poisoning, the air around them crackled with palpable tension. The urgency to seek refuge for much-needed respite gripped their every move.

Lan Jingyi's grumbling voice sliced through the heavy atmosphere. "We're suffering from Corpse poisoning, and instead of seeking an antidote, this lunatic is fixated on finding glutinous rice. Is he out of his mind!?" His frustration poured out, laced with worry for their ailing companion, Ouyang Zizhen, whom he and Y/n were supporting.

"Jingyi, mind your manners," Y/n reprimanded firmly, a blend of authority and concern lacing in his voice as they shared the weight of Ouyang Zizhen's weakened form.

"Da-ge! But you know it's ridiculous. Glutinous rice?" Lan Jingyi's protest held a hint of childish pout. "It's as if he wants us all to die."

"Complaining won't improve our circumstances," Y/n replied serenely, his words carrying a subtle wisdom. "Perhaps food might replenish our strength. It might do you some good too." Y/n's comment held a nuanced hint, causing a flicker of embarrassment to paint Lan Jingyi's cheeks crimson.

As they shuffled into the shelter, Lan Jingyi couldn't contain his irritation. "Why in the world would they construct such a towering threshold?" he grumbled, his discontent palpable in every kick he aimed at the ground.

"Perhaps it was meant to ward off malevolent demons and spirits," Y/n chimed in lightly, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, causing a collective startle among the others.

"Evil spirits!?" Jin Ling's voice quivered, seeking solace behind Lan Sizhui.

"The elders used to whisper tales of the departed," Y/n continued in a tone that seemed to plunge the atmosphere into an eerie darkness. "Once your pallor matches that of the deceased, as your body languishes in decay..." As his steps drew them closer to the younger disciples, his voice adopted a sinister timbre. "The spirits of malevolence emerge in the dead of night to claim it for their morbid feast."

A chorus of panicked screams erupted from the juniors, their terror sending them scattering in frantic circles. Amidst the chaos, Jin Ling succumbed to the haunting narrative, his body succumbing to the shock as he collapsed with a resounding thud.

"Great job, da-ge," Lan Jingyi admonished with disapproval. "You've thoroughly traumatized Jin Ling."

"At least it is silent, " Y/n remarked dryly, a hint of wry amusement tugging at their lips.

"I'm starting to regret inviting you along," Lan Jingyi muttered under his breath. As his hand came to rest upon a particular object within the dimly lit space, Lan Jingyi's heart skipped a beat. With a closer examination, the details of the mysterious item became clearer, prompting an involuntary step backward—a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. It was a coffin.

"A coffin!?" His voice echoed through the chamber as he stumbled backward, only to feel an unsettling presence behind him. Whirling around, his widened eyes met an image of a paper offering—a symbol tied to the realm of the departed.

"The elders were right!" he exclaimed, panic coursing through his veins. "Please, spare my soul. I have so much to live for," he pleaded, bowing earnestly to the paper offering.

Amidst the turmoil of Lan Jingyi's distress, Mo Xuanyu''s laughter bubbled forth. "You fool," he chuckled. "It's just a coffin home."

"Of course, I knew that," Lan Jingyi retorted, attempting to save face. "I was merely jesting."

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