Jin Zixuan x Wife! Reader x Jin Guangyao part 2

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GIF by whovian-on-ice


"A-Xuan, where are you off to?" Y/N's voice carried a note of concern as she observed her husband, Jin Zixuan, making preparations with his sword. The room was infused with a sense of anticipation, a tension that mirrored the unspoken words that lingered between them.

He turned to face her, a soft smile curving upon his lips as he met her gaze. "Don't worry," he reassured her, his voice a gentle caress that held the warmth of their shared history, "I'll only be gone for a few hours." With a tenderness that mirrored his words, he leaned down and pressed a kiss upon her forehead, his lips a fleeting promise of his return. (author: we all know that's not true hehe)

Their son, Jin Ling, nestled in the embrace of his mother's arms, gazed up at his father with curious eyes. His chubby fingers reached out, brushing against Jin Zixuan's cheek as if to echo his mother's sentiments. A fond smile played on Jin Zixuan's lips as he gently rubbed his son's head, a gesture that held the weight of fatherly love and a promise to return.

"But Jin Ling's one-month celebration is today," Y/N's voice held a note of gentle pleading, her eyes a mirror to the heartache that tugged at her. "It's important for you to be there, as a father to share in this milestone for our son." Her words were woven with the threads of tradition and the longing for familial unity.

Jin Zixuan's expression softened further, a mixture of understanding and conflict dancing within his eyes. He reached out, his fingers brushing against his son's tiny hand before he gently cupped Y/N's cheek, his touch an unspoken reassurance.

"I promise, Y/N," his voice was a solemn pledge, a promise etched into the very fabric of his being, "I will be there. I will not let this moment pass without sharing it with our son." With a final lingering kiss upon her lips, he reluctantly left the embrace of their chambers, the echo of his footsteps a testament to the weight of his responsibilities.

As Jin Zixuan departed, his footsteps echoing in the corridors of his thoughts, he found himself traversing the landscape of his memories. Each step seemed to unlock a vault of moments he had shared with Y/N, fragments of happiness and laughter that had once painted their lives with vibrant hues.

The scenes of their past played out before his mind's eye, he found himself transported to a moment that seemed to encapsulate the essence of their shared journey.

The air was charged with a palpable tension as Jin Zixuan and Y/N faced each other, their words held a pregnant pause with the weight of unspoken emotions. The silence was as thick as the moonlit night, a canvas upon which their inner conflicts painted themselves.

"I know you still love A-Yao," Jin Zixuan's voice held a mixture of understanding and vulnerability, a confession that seemed to bridge the gap between their hearts. "But do not blame me," he continued, his words gentle yet firm, "I am strongly against this marriage as well."

Y/N's gaze was averted, her fingers tracing patterns on her robes as if they held the answers to the complexities that enveloped them. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was a reflection of the truth that had been buried beneath layers of tradition and obligation. "It seems as though none of us wanted this marriage," she stated plainly, her words a raw acknowledgment of their shared plight, "as it was arranged by our parents."

A pang of sympathy tugged at Jin Zixuan's heart as he observed her struggle to meet his gaze. The words that followed were a testament to the strength that lay within her, a strength that was willing to accept the circumstances they had been thrust into. "I guess the best thing for us," her voice held a quiet resolution, a resolution that carried the promise of finding harmony amidst discord, "is to try to get along instead of living a life of misery."

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