Lan Wangji x Maid!Female!Reader part 4

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Ever since the tender moment they shared with the bunnies, something had shifted in Lan Wangji. A subtle change in his demeanor became evident whenever y/n was around. His ears would turn a faint shade of red, and a bashful blush would grace his usually composed face. It was a transformation that didn't go unnoticed, especially by Wei Wuxian, who took great delight in teasing him about it.

The teasing would evoke a glare from Lan Wangji, a silent response that spoke volumes about his discomfort with having his emotions on display. Yet, amidst the playful banter and the occasional embarrassment, there was a warmth that had settled in the air. A warmth that mirrored the feelings that had taken root within his heart.

Sitting together over a cup of tea, y/n broached the topic of Wei Wuxian. Her words were gentle, an attempt to bridge the gap between Lan Wangji and his friend. "You know, a-xian is not really that bad," she remarked, her gaze sincere.

A flicker of tension crossed Lan Wangji's expression, his unease evident. "No nicknames, only me," he responded, his possessiveness peeking through as he asserted his claim on her.

Y/n nodded, understanding the unspoken message behind his words. "Okay," she acquiesced, her hand reaching out to pat his arm reassuringly. "But I think once you get to know Master Wei better, you'll definitely like him better."

The mention of Wei Wuxian seemed to set off a wave of jealousy within Lan Wangji, his emotions evident in the subtle change in his demeanor. He was not one to easily share his feelings, and the idea of y/n being close to someone else seemed to awaken a protective instinct within him.

"No more talking about him," Lan Wangji's tone held a note of finality, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that was hard to ignore. "Focus on me."

Y/n couldn't help but smile, touched by his possessiveness. His vulnerability, though often hidden beneath layers of stoicism, was a reminder of the depth of his feelings.

As the conversation shifted, y/n shared a glimpse of her past. Her words were filled with nostalgia as she recounted the festivals and the lanterns of Caiyi town. The image of children with their parents, the vibrant colors, and the laughter seemed to come alive in her words.

"But it doesn't matter now, since that's the past," y/n concluded, her voice carrying a mixture of acceptance and a tinge of sadness.

Lan Wangji's gaze never wavered from her, his expression unreadable as he absorbed her words.

With the passage of time, as Lan Wangji continued to learn more about y/n's past and the experiences she had missed out on, a desire to create new memories seemed to take root within him. He recognized the significance of those missed opportunities, and he was determined to offer her moments of joy that she had long yearned for.

As the next Yuan Xiao festival in Caiyi town approached, Lan Wangji quietly made arrangements. He knew that this festival held special meaning for her, and he wanted to ensure that her experience would be a memorable one.

When the day arrived, there was an air of anticipation that hung around them. Y/n, guided by Lan Wangji's intentions, found herself blindfolded with a cloth. The mystery of their destination added to the sense of adventure that was building within her.

As they journeyed to Caiyi town, y/n's heart raced with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. The blindfold was a barrier that heightened her senses, allowing her to focus on the sounds and scents around her. The world seemed to become a symphony of sensations, each one a clue to the surprise that awaited her.

The journey was filled with a quiet intimacy. Their shared presence, the steady rhythm of their footsteps, and the promise of the festival ahead seemed to draw them closer. Y/n's trust in Lan Wangji was unwavering, a testament to the connection they had forged over time.

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